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It is assumed that the murder was committed at such a position, and under such circumstances, that the bearing it to the river became necessary.

In reality, however, he had nothing but the royal name and a beggarly income at the will of the mayor of the palace." The new mayors had succeeded in putting down all opposition when, to the astonishment of every one, Carloman abdicated and assumed the gown of a monk.

Here were the future governors of England; the men, who, when our ardour was cold, and our projects completed or destroyed for ever, when, our drama acted, we doffed the garb of the hour, and assumed the uniform of age, or of more equalizing death; here were the beings who were to carry on the vast machine of society; here were the lovers, husbands, fathers; here the landlord, the politician, the soldier; some fancied that they were even now ready to appear on the stage, eager to make one among the dramatis personae of active life.

The Abbe then proposed himself to supply his place. There was no other preceptor near at hand, so the Abbe remained with my son, and assumed so adroitly the language of an honest man that I took him for one until my son's marriage; then it was that I discovered all his knavery.

Somewhat closer to actual dreaming is the rise of images accompanying present bodily and mental states. I sometimes see a body in the posture my own body has that moment assumed and one night, when recalling a passage from Wilhelm Meister, I saw a young man seated bareheaded on a doorstep, plainly a picture of Wilhelm at Marianna's threshold.

Can children be expected to assume such responsibility? Proofs of such ability. 1. As shown by children ten years old and younger. Proof that any ten-year-old child has already assumed it in a simple way for some years is contained in the following facts:

"'Then, said my friend, embracing me, and quitting the tone of anger which he had assumed only to try my resolution to the utmost, 'Then, Saladin, Fatima is yours. "I scarcely dared to believe my senses; I could not express my joy!

The latter at once assumed that Stanwell had been on the alert for him, and met the supposed advance by affably inviting himself into the studio. "May I come and take a look around, my dear fellow? I have been meaning to drop in for an age " Mungold always spoke with a girlish emphasis and effusiveness "but I have been so busy getting up Mrs.

At times these gleams would mantle the sky with all the soft beauty of moonlight, and at others they would dart angrily and luridly athwart the horizon. Soon the storm assumed a grander form.

Thus we read in Baronius' Annals A.D. 1160, that when the antipope Cardinal Octavianus, who assumed the name of Victor, had been illegitimately elected, the chapter of St.