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About twelve assorted bread crusts, warranted dry and hard one with a covering of fossilised sardine. Six quires of valuable manuscript notes on various subjects, comprising Latin, Greek, Mathematics, French, and Crambo. One apple, well seasoned, and embellished with a brilliant green fur of two years' growth. No reserve price. Must be cleared out at whatever sacrifice." And this was another:

"Do you think I should have survived the night if I had eaten those strangely assorted dainties, as in honor bound I would have done, since you brought them?" Then with a face of comical severity she turned upon him and said: "Mr. Fleet, you need some one to take care of you.

Two tins kippered herrings. Three half-pound tins butter. Three half-pound tins dripping. Ten half-pound tins ideal milk. Two tins small captain biscuit. One half-pound tin salt. Two parchment skins pea soup. One one and one-half pound tin Scotch oatmeal. One tin bologna sausage. One tin sardines. One tin sardines, smoked. Two one-pound tins camp, pie. Five tins jam, assorted.

The street leading from it was nobly planned broad, generous; but rough and uneven like the hastily made highway from one camp to another. Rough, too, were the vehicles traversing it; the oddly assorted teams, mules, donkeys and Mongolian ponies, went unclipped and ungroomed; the drivers went unwashed.

A mule wagon, trotting up behind, splashed it into their back hair, where they found it in dry beads of assorted sizes next morning. It was raining dismally. The head of the column was commenting richly on its surroundings the platoon at the tail had ceased to comment at all.

It was afternoon before the inquest on the body of Austen Abbott, and there was gathered together in Letty Shaw's parlor a curiously assorted little group of people. There was Miss Shaw herself or rather what seemed to be the ghost of herself and her mother; Lady Mary and Sir William Trencham; Peter Ruff and Violet Brown and Mr. John Dory.

But at that very moment the young gentleman in question entered the room, at the same time as did the servant with the announcement that dinner was on the table. The astonishment of the domestic at seeing her mistress taken down to the dining-room by the new lodger was only exceeded by that of Charley, as, with his mother on his arm, he followed the strangely assorted pair.

"Go to Boston, indeed! you'd starve to death on a doorstep, all four of you, I can see you now, laid out like a row of assorted pins, for all the world. Humph! Boston, indeed!" with bridling earnestness. "Besides, what business has that Glendwing, or whatever his high-falutin name may be, to mix himself up with our affairs?

When we have done what can be done out here, we shall come home. The fall and winter we shall spend upon the book. My secretary will insist upon attending to business first. And then well, then she wants to go shopping. So we shall have to go where the good shops are. What does she wish to buy? Oh, not much just life, the assorted kind. It was the day before Friday.