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Witherspoon gave it as his opinion that nothing could ever be done with such a wild crowd. "There isn't a single one among them, from what I hear and know, who could comply with the requirements every scout is expected to have as an asset when he makes application," was the way he put it. "Those boys couldn't subscribe to any of the rules which govern scouts in their daily life.

And there can be no dispute that the most valuable financial asset of the ordinary woman is the possibility that a man may be willing and may, if only woman is disposed to fulfil her part of the bargain, be not only willing but anxious to support her and to secure for her, if he can, a measure of that freedom which comes from the possession of money.

Bad-as-Bad, though economically its most important asset, was not the capital of the principality; but when the Prince arrived at Schnapps, thirty miles distant, Bad-as-Bad fired off a salute from a toy cannon in the gardens of the municipality, and hoisted the royal ensign on the flag-staff beside the kiosk. The principality having been without its head for three years had recovered it.

Clever propaganda turned Pennsylvania "Jackson mad"; whereupon Calhoun, with an eye to the future, sought an alliance with his competitor. The upshot was that a convention held at Harrisburg in March, 1824, nominated Jackson almost unanimously and named Calhoun for the vice presidency. Hostility to the caucus became also a great asset.

Louis. * Of course the secret of Billy King's success soon became known. He had placed his paddle wheels where they would bite into the swell produced by every boat just under its engines. He had transformed what had been a handicap into a positive asset.

Evidently he regarded the interruption as "a beastly bore." "All right, General," he said airily. "I'll be there soon. No hurry, is there?" "Yes, I want you now!" The order was emphatic. The General's only military asset was a martinet voice, and he made the most of it. "Rather rotten, isn't it, interferin' with a fellow in this way?" muttered Vavasour. "Will you excuse me?

He was in part a guarantee to the Khazraj of Mahomet's good faith, in part an asset for him against the Kureisch, for his family were still influential in Mecca.

When sources of funding are exhausted, the bubble bursts and prices decline precipitously. This is commonly described as an "asset bubble". This renders diversification inefficacious. As long as considerations of "expected liquidity" do not constitute an explicit part of income-based models, the market will render them increasingly irrelevant. Immortality and Mortality in the Economic Sciences

The Battalion hoped it had really earned the honour paid it when the Sirdar accepted its honorary colonelcy. The knowledge gained during the months in the Sudan will be an asset to such Manchester Territorials as survive, and may even exercise an influence upon local public opinion. To many, the Sudan seemed entitled to rank among the best administered countries in the world.

A few miles farther on is Huntingdon, his birthplace. It is a considerably larger town, but none of the buildings now standing has any connection with the life of the Protector. Doubtless the citizens of Huntingdon now recognize that the manor house where Cromwell was born, which was pulled down a hundred years ago, would be a valuable asset to the town were it still standing.