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An even more valuable national asset is our reservoir of dedicated men and women not only on our college campuses but in every age group who have indicated their desire to contribute their skills, their efforts, and a part of their lives to the fight for world order.

Your mother's people are all scattered. I wouldn't know what else to do with you, my dear." "Mercy!" she sighed, winking back the tears, "it sounds as though I I were what you call a 'liability' in your bank business. Isn't that it? Why, Daddy! I want to be an 'asset, not a 'liability." "Bless you, my dear, you are! A great, big asset!" he laughed.

England would be weakened, and to some extent impoverished by a war ending with such results; but her great asset, her possession beyond price would still be hers her geographical position.

He was fully six inches more than six feet in height and his face was so long and pale that even Haw-Haw Langley seemed cheerful beside the ex-undertaker. In Kansas City this had been much prized, for that single face could lend solemnity to any funeral. In Elkhead it was hardly less of an asset.

The public soon came to appreciate this, and perhaps his greatest asset was public confidence in his promises. People came to believe that when Barnum advertised a thing, he really had it.

They would be a valuable asset for a German "ginger group." The open door into and out of this country for commodities generally has made it an emporium for world trade, and been one of the main causes why, in spite of deficient home production of necessaries, we have been able to stand the economic strain of the War.

He had to be absolute; and this end he achieved in many ways, but chiefly by his wealth, which made it possible to break the rich rebel and to enslave the poor. His greatest asset next his wealth was his knowledge of the Florentine character.

There is no other handicap that you should not be able to overcome. To overcome a handicap, all that it is necessary to do is to use more determination and grit and will. The man with grit and will, may be poor today and wealthy in a few years; will power is a better asset than money; Will will carry you over chasms of failure, if you but give it the chance.

"We will have if you will let me get to work." They went to the ship, and entered it. Arcot senior did not follow, but the others waited, while the ship left Earth once more, and floated in space. Immediately they went into the time-field. They worked steadily, sleeping when necessary, and the giant strength of Torlos was frequently as great an asset as his indefatigable work.

This boast is by no means true, since nearly all industrial companies come into being with something paid for in the shape of goodwill, which is of enormous importance, but can hardly be called a tangible asset; and even in the case of our railway companies, many millions of original capital went into Parliamentary and legal expenses, which have been, in one sense, dead capital ever since, though without this expenditure the railways could never have got to work.