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The doctor bowed to him assentingly and forgivingly. "Only oblige me with my hat, and I shall be quite ready for you," he said paused for one moment, then repeated the words, "Quite ready," in a louder tone and instantly disappeared through the floor! I saw the two officers rush from opposite ends of the room to a great opening in the middle of it.

To fire his genius, wing his energies, inflame his ambition above that slow, laborious drudgery to which he had linked the chances of his career, and which her fiery and rapid intellect was wholly unable to comprehend save as a waste of life for uncertain and distant objects became her task. And she saw with delight that Ardworth listened to her more assentingly than he had done at first.

Mr Sparkler was going to say 'No? interrogatively, but he saw his danger and said it assentingly, 'No, Oh dear no; she wouldn't do here alone. 'No, Edmund.

"You seem incredulous," said Monte Cristo, who repeated to Ali in the Arabic language what he had just been saying to Baptistin in French. The Nubian smiled assentingly to his master's words, then, kneeling on one knee, respectfully kissed the hand of the count. This corroboration of the lesson he had just received put the finishing stroke to the wonder and stupefaction of M. Baptistin.

At least, there is no harm in looking over the range." "They can ride with me as far as Hackberry Grove," said Dell. "None of our cattle range over a mile above the springs, and from there I can nearly point out the limits of our ranch." "You are welcome to look over the range," assentingly said Joel, "but only on condition that any agreement reached must be made with Mr.

He never knew my poor sister have anything but a proper dinner, at the proper hour; but it's just that young woman's doing. In her position, of course she always dined at one o'clock." "Very likely," said Miss Grey, assentingly. Dissent she never did, in any thing, from any body, least of all from Miss Gascoigne.

Peter Van Degen was saying, in her slightly drawling voice. "He's doing everybody this year, you know " "As if that were a reason!" Undine heard Mrs. Fairford breathe to Mr. Bowen; who replied, at the same pitch: "It's a Van Degen reason, isn't it?" to which Mrs. Fairford shrugged assentingly. "That delightful Popple he paints so exactly as he talks!" the white-haired lady took it up.

Yu nodded her head assentingly; and lady Feng, noticing that the inmates were off their guard, left the banquet, and wended her steps beneath the eaves towards the back entrance of the house. P'ing Erh had, however, been keeping her eye on her, so hastily she followed in her footsteps. Lady Feng at once propped herself on her arm.

Miss Anne rose assentingly, and the good brother took her away, while Joshua's preliminary scrapings burst into the "White Cockade," from which he intended to pass to a variety of tunes, by a series of transitions which his good ear really taught him to execute with some skill.

It may be creditable to you that your cunning is not the cunning of the serpent; to us it would be more valuable if it were. Continue." "Oh! there are a thousand ways." Carlo controlled himself with a sharp screw of all his muscles. "I simply wish to save the signorina from an annoyance." "Very mildly put," Agostino murmured assentingly.