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Helena looked up as the Flopper returned. Upon the Flopper's face was a curious expression not one that in the days gone by had been habitual it seemed to mingle a diffidence, a kindly solicitude and a sort of anxious responsibility. "It's Thornton askin' fer youse," announced the Flopper. Helena rose from her chair, and started for the door but the Flopper blocked the way.

Whittredge's in the parlor. I come mighty nigh askin' her what she wanted in dis yere house." Celia looked up in astonishment. Mrs. Whittredge! What could it mean? "And she asked for me?" she repeated. "I done tol' her your mamma was sick, but she 'lowed 'twas you she wanted." Celia recovered herself. "Very well, Sally," she said, but it was with a beating heart she walked the length of the hall.

I ain't used to wettin' my cheeks, as you know, lads, but I s'pose my wound has weakened me a bit! Now Sutherland, the favour I have to ask of " "If ye're thinkin' o' askin' me to pray," broke in the alarmed Scotsman, "ye may save your breath. When I promised, I said, `if I can. Noo, I can not pray, an' it's nae use askin' me to try.

She's more'n extry down on me just now, and if I breathe that Mabel Colton's name she hops right up in the air. How'd I know that askin' if a woman who's been sick in bed six year or more was 'in' meant could she have folks come to see her?" Mother would have discussed the Coltons with me frequently, but I avoided the subject as much as possible.

"Grub ready, Hop Loy?" demanded one lanky specimen, as he used his blue neck kerchief to remove some of the dust and sweat from his brown face. "It better be!" added another, significantly; while still another said, quietly: "My gal has been askin' me for a long, long time to get her a Chinaman's pig-tail, an' I'm shore goin' t'get one now if I don't have my grub right plenty, an' soon!"

She will only drag herself down an' die of a broken heart.... Now, I'm askin' you, before it's too late give up this marriage." "Wade! I've shot men for less than you've said!" thundered the rancher, beside himself with rage and shame. "Ahuh! I reckon you have.

He borrowed fifty cents of me, and askin' me to send him Wm. Lloyd Garrison's ambrotype as soon as I got home, he walked off. Said another, "There's bin a tremendous Union feelin here from the fust. But we was kept down by a rain of terror.

You must larn that as quick as you can, Pat, for a poor cook wastes a sight, besides settin' dishes of stuff on the table that none but pigs can eat. And in most places the pigs would get their messes, but here we've got no pigs, and whativer you cook we've got to be eatin'. Andy was askin' for beans for to-morrow a bit ago. What's your ideas about bakin' beans, Pat? How would you do it?"

I tell him whiles that we'd meet an' we'd greet whaur the elders cease frae troublin' them's the poet's words." We were now some two miles or so from the town and the church wherein he exercised his gifts and magnified his office; and my rugged friend, dismissing the elders for the time, reverted to the inquiry he had seen fit previously to ignore. "Ye were askin' me aboot the kirk."

I'll have no skipper buttin' in on me, tellin' me how to run me engines an' askin' me why in this an' that I don't go aisy on the coal. Faith, I've had thim do it the wanst an' the wanst only. Begorra, I'd have brained thim wit' a monkey wrench if they tried it a second time."