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Miss Raleigh was very attentive to the instructions given her by Miss Asher, and while she exhibited the fashion of the new stitch Olive reflected. "I wonder," she said to herself, "if Mrs. Easterfield has done this. It looks very much like it, and if she did I am truly obliged to her. There is nothing I want so much now as a rest, and I didn't want to stay in the house either.

So far as I have been able to judge, he is my favorite of the claimants. Du Brant and I have met frequently, and if I were a girl I would not want to marry him. Locker is too little for Miss Asher, and, besides, he is too flighty. Your young professor may be good enough, but from my limited conversation with him at the table I could not form much of an opinion as to him one way or another.

Then Asher said: "Look yonder, Virginia, south of the trail. Just a faint yellow line." "Is it another trail, or are you lost and beginning to see things?" "No, I'm found," Asher replied. "We scattered those seeds ourselves; did it on Sundays when I was living on my claim, waiting till I could go back and bring you here.

Leigh, who had been pleased with all of them, turned to her guardian, saying gravely: "Uncle Jim, can I go to school wif Thaine?" "You must meet that question every day now, Jim," Asher said. "Why not answer it and be rid of it?" "How can I answer it?" Jim queried. "Virgie, help us with this educational problem of the State," Asher turned to his wife.

GEORGE. Tell me about Dr. Jonathan. A scientist, isn't he? Suddenly decided to come back to live in the old homestead. ASHER. On account of his health. He was delicate as a boy. He must have been about eight or nine years old when Uncle Henry left Foxon Falls for the west, that was before you were born. Uncle Henry died somewhere in Iowa. He and my father never got along.

Thaine settled back, satisfied to be silent as he watched the wonderful prairie landscape about him. "I am going down to Shirley's," Carey began, as if to change the subject. "Strange fellow, Jim; I never knew another like him." "I was just thinking of Shirley," Asher responded. "He is a royal neighbor and true friend, better to everybody else than he is to himself.

Wouldn't your little plan, if your workmen accepted it, keep you in as a benevolent autocrat? ASHER. Me? an autocrat? DR. JONATHAN. You are preparing to give your men more privileges, and perhaps more money on the condition that they will renounce rights to which they are entitled as free men. You are ready to grant anything but a constitution. So is William.

Lean cattle stood disconsolately in the shadeless open, while the cultivated fields were a mass of yellow clods about the starveling crops. Asher did not heed the interruption.

The more he thought about it, the more he wished he had been at the toll-gate when Mrs. Easterfield's phaeton passed by. Captain Asher did not write his note at all. He did not know what to say; he did not want to make too much of the incident, for it was really a trifling matter, only worthy of being mentioned in case he had something more important to write about.

The excavations which have been made by M. Mariette and Mr. Flinders Petrie prove that it was one of the largest and most important cities of the Delta. It forms the subject of the Second Memoir of the Egypt Exploration Fund, 1885. The place must not be confounded with the seaport town Tennis, as has been done by Asher.