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She felt towards it as to some distant force, which, so far as she personally was concerned, was a force for good. Owing to the war, farming was booming all over England, and she was in the boom, taking advantage of it. Yet she was ashamed to think of the war only in that way.

You won't be ashamed of your people." "I reckon I wouldn't be ashamed," said the youth. "I reckon there hain't no better folks nowhar." "I'm sure of it. There are going to be sweeping changes in these mountains. Conditions here have stood as immutably changeless as the hills themselves for a hundred years. That day is at its twilight. I tell you, I know what I'm talking about.

She felt thoroughly uncomfortable and worried; convinced that she had forgotten some really important matter, and disinclined either to go out or to stay in. Fifty times the Master opened and closed doors to suit her changing whims, until poor Tara felt quite ashamed of herself, though still quite unable to settle down.

"Then I think we went north-west." "Well, and after that?" "West, father." "Then as we ran from the shark we went south, didn't we?" "I don't know," said Mark. "I was too intent on the way in which they were tearing him to pieces." "Well, you might have said you were too frightened to notice," said the captain, smiling. "You need not have been ashamed. But come now, which way are we going now?"

It is perfectly disgraceful. Here am I, and supper has been on the table I don't know how long, and only one of you is ready to sit down with me. Anthony is in bed, or somewhere else, Kitty is racing the house to find him, and you I am ashamed of you, sir, for coming into a room in such a condition. You are perfectly hopeless.

"And a horrible thought came to me," continued Samson. He took out his handkerchief, and mopped his forehead, then tossed back the long lock that fell over it. "I wondered" he paused, and then went on with a set face "I wondered if I were growing ashamed of my people." "If I thought that," said Miss Lescott, quietly, "I wouldn't have much use for you. But I know there's no danger."

She was not yet so secure upon the height that she could contemplate the valley unmoved. Her house was immaculate, now, and was kept so by her own hands. At first, she had not cared, and the dust and the cobwebs had not mattered at all. Miss Mehitable, in the beginning, had inspired her to housewifely effort, and Doctor Ralph's personal neatness had made her ashamed.

There certainly must be something out of the ordinary in this peculiar American cousin to wake Alice from her customary languor. Alice smiled at her mother's surprise. "Strange, isn't it, Mother?" she asked, half ashamed of her unusual enthusiasm. "But it's true. She'd help some good man to be a power in the world. I feel it so often when she talks.

And, Billy, do you know, I got so interested that I began to count right out loud once, and I stood up, right there in church, Billy, while the minister was preaching, to see round his head better, and Eunice pulled me down. I was so ashamed." Billy looked so shocked that Cricket hastened to add: "There weren't very many people who saw me, though, for we sat pretty far back.

He was ashamed to speak of it, for seeming to imply a doubt of her; but he couldn't help approaching it in this roundabout way. Natalie understood. "I'll tell you now, gladly," she said at once. "But not here; there isn't time. We have to get in directly." This was precisely what Garth desired her to say.