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A kerosene lamp set upon a center table sent an apologetic light over the shabby furniture. Above the mantel with its velvet cover and statuette of a crying baby, was a picture of Suzanna, a "crayon," Mr. Bartlett amusingly surmised. The small face looked out with a distorted artificial smile quite unknown to the face it sought to represent. Yet Suzanna's aura was visible, Mr. Bartlett thought.

For fifty years they have been makers of artificial flowers; both are clever artists, and the shops of the West End have fairly blazed with the glory of their roses. Winsome lassie's and serene ladies have made themselves gay with their flowers. There they sit, as they have sat together for thirty years. Neither can read or write, but what can be done in flowers they can do.

Instead of that they spring upon us suddenly, rearing up on a height as the tram speeds toward them along a tree-shaded road across a vast artificial lake.

This is the vein that he opened, and which, with wider scope and a touch still more delicate, has since been explored by Mr. Pater. The two shorter pieces speak for themselves. They are taken from the Specimens of English Dramatic Poets . The artificial comedy, or comedy of manners, is quite extinct on our stage.

It may be good or evil, but assuredly it is not artificial: vanity is a voice out of the abyss. The remarkable fact is, however, and it bears strongly on the present position of Byron, that when a thing is unfamiliar to us, when it is remote and the product of some other age or spirit, we think it not savage or terrible, but merely artificial.

The criticisms, in greater part, have arisen chiefly from an imperfect knowledge of both processes. By the aid of distinctions recently made possible, the contrast between elementary species and improved races has become much more vivid, and promises to yield better results on which to base comparisons of artificial and natural selection.

'If only it were a little pussy cat! she said. But the rose-tree with the beautiful rose came out. 'But how prettily it is made! said all the ladies-in-waiting. 'It is more than pretty, said the Emperor, 'it is charming! But the Princess felt it, and then she almost began to cry. 'Ugh! Papa, she said, 'it is not artificial, it is REAL! 'Ugh! said all the ladies-in-waiting, 'it is real!

When the sun fails, man replaces it by artificial heat; and we see the coming of a time when artificial light also will be used to stimulate vegetation. Meanwhile, by the use of glass and hot water pipes, man renders a given space ten and fifty times more productive than it was in its natural state. The prodigies accomplished in industry are still more striking.

Prussia had been overcome, because, instead of uniting with the other states of Germany, she had first abandoned them to be afterward deserted by them in her turn, and because, instead of arming her warlike people against every foreign foe, she had habituated her citizens to unarmed effeminacy and had rested her sole support on a mercenary army, an artificial and spiritless automaton, separated from and unsympathizing with the people.

Immediately behind the house the hill rises in artificial terraces, which, during the romancer's residence, were grassy and planted with fruit-trees. He afterwards had evergreens set out there, and directed the planting of other trees, which still attest his preference for thick verdure.