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"It would indicate," Thorndyke replied, "that the deceased had probably suffered from rheumatoid arthritis what is commonly known as rheumatic gout and he would probably have limped slightly and complained of some pain in the right hip." "I'm afraid that doesn't help us very much," said Mr.

Subsequently the injection of from four to six ounces of a mixture of tincture of iodin, one part to ten parts of glycerin, and gentle massage of the joint immediately after the injection has been made, serves to check the infective process in some cases. The subject should be cared for as has been previously suggested in arthritis proper provisions for comfort being made.

Its consideration properly belongs to discussions on practice or obstetrics and diseases of the new born, and it has received careful attention and is discussed at length in these works. A second form of metastatic arthritis is met with in strangles. Strangles occurs in the young principally and is not a frequent cause of synovitis or arthritis in the adult animal.

But eventually the body's vital force can no longer create these aggressive cleansing phenomena and the toxemia begins to go deeper. When the allopathic doctor gets a patient complaining of sinusitis, they know they will eventually get a cure. The "cure" however, might well be a case of arthritis.

In some instances, the pastern joint is opened by calk wounds and then, of course, an infectious arthritis succeeds the injury. Treatment. In all contused wounds of the coronary region the parts need thorough cleansing; the hair, if long is clipped and a cataplasm is applied.

He was a bit more set in his impassivity at least to all appearances because chronic arthritis had made his neck permanently stiff.

Course and Prognosis. The nature of the progress and the manner of termination of these cases are variable. If the coffin joint has been invaded, and a septic arthritis exists, the condition is at once grave. An open and infected tendon sheath, while not so serious, constitutes a condition which is distressing, and recovery is slow even under the most favorable conditions.

Injuries to the scapulohumeral joint may be the result of kicks, runaway accidents or bruises from the collar, and there may result, because of such injuries, reactionary inflammation which will vary in intensity from the mildest synovitis to the most severe arthritis, causing more or less lameness. Treatment.

At a later stage, especially in children and in cases in which the throat lesion is severe, an arthritis is sometimes observed that is believed to be a metastasis from the throat; it may be acute and suppurative, affect several joints, and exhibit a septicæmic or pyæmic character.

Penetrant wounds, such as may be caused by a fork tine may not result in infection; if infectious material is introduced an infectious arthritis does not necessarily follow, though such cases should be considered as serious from the outset. Symptomatology.