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One of his arrums he couldn't lift from the shoulder, and I give him a h'ist wit' his bundle. Faith, it was light! 'Twinty years a-getherin', he cackles, slappin' it. 'Ye've had harrud luck, I says. ''T is not much of a sheaf ye are packin' home. 'That's as ye look at it, he says.

Prisintly, he sthrols up, his arrums full av thruck, an' he sez in a consiquinshal way, shticking out his little belly, 'Me good men, sez he, 'have ye seen the Kernel's b'roosh? 'B'roosh? says Learoyd. 'There's no b'roosh here nobbut a hekka. 'Fwhat's that? sez Thrigg. Learoyd shows him wan down the sthreet, an' he sez, 'How thruly Orientil!

Slowly the gentle voice took up the tale anew: "We made ut, bhoy th' Post or nigh tu ut . . . in th' break av th' dawn. . . . For wan av th' dogs yapped an' they come out an' found us in th' snow. . . . Yorkey, wid his arrums round th' neck av me as if he wud shtill dhrag me on . . . . an' cryin' upon th' mother that bore um. . . . Tu men in damned bad shape tu shtiffs . . . . an' but three dogs lift out av th' six-team we'd shtarted wid. . . . So now ye know; lad! . . . Fwhat think ye? . . ."

"An' is it whither Oi'll take care ov him ye're afther axin' me?" said my chum, taking hold of Jocko as he spoke. "Begorrah, ye jist coom to me arrums, ye little baiste, and show Misther Blockley how fond yez are ov me, ye divvle!"

Suddenly, without any warning, he slid into the maudlin phase, taking his parable of lamentation against "this crule warr." "I weep, sirr," said he, "over the rrupture of mee adhopted counthree the counthree that resaved mee with opin arrums, when I was floying from the feece of toirants," &c., &c.

Greatly sobered by his fear, he staggered down the block and around the corner to the steps of Miss Terry's house. "This is the place," he mused. "I know ut; here's where the frindly lam'post hild me in its arrums. I rimimber there was a dark house forninst me. Here's where ut lay on the sidewalk, all pink an' pretty. An' I kicked ut into the street! Where is ut now? Where gone? Howly Mither!

There we shtuck, for divil a bit did the Paythans flinch, an' divil a bit dare we: our business bein' to clear 'em out. An' the most exthryordinar' thing av all was that we an' they just rushed into each other's arrums, an' there was no firing for a long time. Nothin' but knife an' bay'nit when we cud get our hands free: an' that was not often.

White satin and silk and ribbons, and lace about the neck and arrums 'twas a sin, yer reverence, the gold was spint upon it." The priest heard Lorison catch his breath painfully, and a faint smile flickered across his own clean-cut mouth. "Well, then, Mistress Geehan," said he, "I'll just step upstairs and see the bit boy for a minute, and I'll take this gentleman up with me."

When within twenty yards of the fire and five from the saddles, Private Tom Clary sprang to his feet, aimed his double-barrelled shot-gun at the thieves, and shouted: "Throw up your arrums!" At the same instant Frank made a flying leap for the saddles, and seized the rifles and revolvers.

Sez mesilf to me, "What for?" Sez I to mesilf, "For the glory av ut!" Sez mesilf to me, "Will that fill these two strong arrums av yours, Terence?" "Go to the devil," sez I to mesilf. "Go to the married lines," sez mesilf to me. "'Tis the same thing," sez I to mesilf. "Av you're the same man, ut is," said mesilf to me; an' wid that I considhered on ut a long while.