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"What does this mean?" he demanded of the Chemical Staff. "It is a lie," shouted the Chief of the Staff. "We have the formulas and they are correct, for we saw the demonstration conducted with the ingredients stated in the formulas which Armstadt gave us." "Very well," I cried; "go try your formulas; go repeat the demonstration, if you can."

The Swiss approached another step. "They have brought him, Highness," he said in a confidential whisper. "Am I a wizard that I must read your thoughts?" hectored Gian Maria. "Who has brought whom?" Armstadt eyed the company in hesitation. Then, stepping close to the Duke, he murmured in his ear: "The men I left behind have brought the fool Ser Peppe."

"You are quite right, Holknecht," I said; "I am not Karl Armstadt; and, just as you have surmised, there were grave reasons why I should have been put into his place under those peculiar circumstances. But this matter is a state secret of the Chemical Staff and you will do well to say nothing about it. Now is there anything I can do for you?

"But," I protested, "if the people could be enlightened?" "How," exclaimed Zimmern impatiently, "can you enlighten them? You are young, Armstadt, very young to talk of such things even if a rebellion was a possibility what would be the gain?

The relative ease with which I had so long passed for the real Karl Armstadt had lulled me into a feeling of security. But now that my disguise had been penetrated, my old fears were renewed. True, the weigher's records had seemingly cleared me, but I knew that Grauble had seen the weak spot in the German logic of the stupid official, who had so lightly dismissed Katrina's accusations.

It waxed late, and the torpor that ensues upon the generous gratification of appetite was settling upon the company when Armstadt Gian Maria's Swiss captain entered and approached his master with the air of a man who is the bearer of news. He halted a pace or two from the Duke's high-backed chair, and stood eyeing Gian Maria in stupid patience. "Well, fool?" growled the Duke, turning his head.

"That may be best," I replied, wondering how I could explain the affair to Captain Grauble. "The incident is most unfortunate," said the Captain, evidently a little nettled, "but I think this rude force unnecessary. I know Katrina well, but I did not know she had previously known Herr von Armstadt.

I listened eagerly to get the threads of the work I must needs do if I were to maintain my role as Armstadt. Knowing now that visitors were permitted me, I again grew apprehensive over the possible advent of Katrina. But no woman appeared, in fact I had not yet seen a woman among the Germans. Always it was Holknecht and, strictly according to his orders, he talked incessant chemistry.

I know every word of it, but I tell you that the man who carries it now is not the real Karl Armstadt." And then she wheeled upon me and screamed, "You are not Karl Armstadt, Karl Armstadt is dead, and you have murdered him!" In an instant the cafe was in an uproar.

In Catalonia the duke of Vendôme invested Barcelona, in which there was a garrison of ten thousand regular soldiers, besides five thousand burghers who had voluntarily taken arms on this occasion. The governor of the place was the prince of Hesse d Armstadt, who had served in Ireland; and been vested with the command of the Imperial troops which were sent into Spain.