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The Prince's arms were still too sore from the wrenching he received when they took him prisoner for him to dare trust himself hand over hand on a rope; she had to make the rope fast beneath his armpits, and then lower him slowly, taking two turns with the rope round the waist of a brass cannon.

"Much obleeged," returned the lieutenant, as he took the bottle the reveller passed to him. "Here's success to us all in a heap, and success to our side in the battle that's go'n' on." "I'm with you up to the armpits," added Graines, as another of the four handed him a bottle.

"The road will be to the right behind the forest, and you will soon see the castle from the hill." Then the peasant commenced to strike his hands against his armpits, because he was chilled with the morning dampness; he then sat on a stone, because this exercise made him still more breathless. "Do you know whether the count is in the castle?" inquired Jurand.

We had not struck out far when I felt my feet touch something. For an instant the horrid thought occurred to me that it might be a shark; but I retained my presence of mind, and directly afterwards, greatly to my astonishment, I felt my feet touching the ground. I told my companions; and soon we all found ourselves standing, with the water scarcely up to our armpits.

"Hello! Hello!" He was not mistaken. From somewhere in the white world of desolation, the answer came again: "Hello! Hello!" Uncle Bill was not much given to religious allusions except as a matter of emphasis, but he told himself that that far-off cry of reassurance sounded like the voice of God. "Help!" he called desperately, sunk to his armpits in the snow. "Help! Come quick!"

He was a keen boy with a hair-trigger balance, and in a gunplay he would be apt to beat the best of them all. Of all this Donnegan was fully aware. Either he must place his own life in terrible hazard or else he must shoot to kill; and if he killed, what of Lou Macon? While he smiled into the face of Milligan, perspiration was bursting out under his armpits. "Mr.

After a few steps he crossed his arms with a quick, peculiar movement and drew from under his armpits the pair of automatic pistols. Like all "forested" forests, the woods on that flank of Mount Terrible were regular and open big trees with no underbrush and a smooth carpet of needles and leaves under foot.

The best way to save a drowning man is to approach him from behind, seize him under the armpits, and, then, getting on your back, draw him partly on to your breast and swim on your back to the shore, or to a place of safety. Thought is quicker than the lightning flash.

And the doctrine is sound; I had and have proved it to be so, over and over again, and I meant again to put it to the test, then, in the most discouraging combination of adverse circumstances with which I had ever been confronted. But the water was bitterly cold; if I remained submerged to my armpits, as I then was, I could not survive long enough to get a fair chance.

He, then, bathed in a stream and poured libations on the sacred fire, and paid his adorations to the rising Sun indeed, having thus caused those chataka birds to grow on his head, Jajali, that foremost of ascetics, began to slap his armpits and proclaim loudly through the sky, 'I have won great merit. Then an invisible voice arose in the sky and Jajali heard these words, 'Thou art not equal, O Jajali, to Tuladhara in point of righteousness.