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The armourer's forge especially attracted her attention, and she expressed great astonishment at seeing two pieces of iron welded together. She was rather spoiled, however, by the attention paid her, and seemed to claim as a right her privilege of coming on board whenever she pleased.

Albert carried his to his father, while Aline placed Edgar's on the table in front of Dame Agatha. The knight examined it carefully. "I know the suit," he said, "for I was in the armourer's shop a week before these troubles began, with the Earl of Suffolk, who had asked me to go with him to choose a suit.

The assistants dispersed in different directions, their lights flashing and their cries resounding through the whole adjacent district. In the mean time the armourer's captive entreated for freedom, using both promises and threats to obtain it. "As thou art a gentleman," he said, "let me go, and what is past shall be forgiven."

Bear in mind that if you draw sword for Mynheer Van Voorden you are doing it for England." On re-entering the city gates they first went to an armourer's, where they purchased and buckled on some gilded spurs. "Truly, Albert, I can scarce believe our good fortune," Edgar said, as they left the shop.

It was here that the most was wanted; and the next few days were chiefly spent in surveying these works, and drawing plans for their extension, strengthening, and connection especially about the stables, armourer's shop, and smithy, where the building of new defences was almost immediately set on foot.

He also bade them leave their fardels behind, as, if they tarried at York House, these could be easily sent after them. They obeyed even Stephen doing so with more alacrity than he had hitherto shown to Master Headley's behests; for now that the time for departure had come, he was really sorry to leave the armourer's household.

His title of St. "Might I not have the honour of adjusting your armour," said a splendidly drest courtier, with some marks of the armourer's profession, "since I have put on that of the Emperor himself? may his name be sacred!"

They took off her, with a hurry that betrayed apprehension, 1,545 carbines and six Berdan breech-loaders, with a number of armourer's tools. It was remarked that the rifles supplied to the regular troops from Madrid were sighted to eight hundred metres, but that the range of those seized from the Carlists did not exceed five hundred.

Flags and painted signs carrying the emblematic open eye of vigilance decorated the rooms, A huge alarm bell had been mounted on the roof. The mattresses, beds, cots, blankets, and other furniture necessary to sleep four companies on the premises had been provided. A completely equipped armourer's shop and a hospital with all supplies occupied the third story.

"Thou art a good lad, and also ready of wit, Master Sholto," said the Earl, looking at the armourer's son musingly. "Clear of eye and true of hand, so they tell me. Did you not win the arrow prize this day?" Lord William raised his eyes to where in the bonnet of the youth his own golden badge of archery glistened.