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Has he forgot the ties by which he has bound himself to me? Will he not speak one word to me? Was his child such a burden to him that he has thus rejected him from his arm's?" To all these questions the good priest could give no reply, for he too was utterly confounded by the duke's hasty departure, which seemed more like a flight than anything else.

But when, as Anne had bidden him, he held it at arm's length he saw it all the garden with its box-bordered beds full of tall yellow tulips and pink and white and purple hyacinths it was easy to see that this was what they were, even from the dots and dashes of colour; the hedge it was a real hedge of white lilac trees, against a spring sky all scudding clouds of gray.

And gradually, you will come to be aware of an entity, a You, who can thus hold at arm's length, be aware of, look at, an idea a universe other than itself.

"Miss Ashton loses, and Maude wins!" cried the countess-dowager, executing a little dance of triumph. "Maude is the only one who wears the Oxford blue." It was true. The young Oxonian was a retiring and timid man, and none had voluntarily assumed his colours. But no one heeded the countess-dowager. "You are like a child, Hartledon, denying that your arm's damaged!" exclaimed Captain Dawkes.

They crouched lower, breathless with apprehension. A dark form passed by within arm's reach and mounted on a box to the fence. It was Brick himself, resetting the trap. They heard him arrange the slat and stone, then right the barrel and empty into it a couple of buckets of water. As he came down from the box to go after more water, Joe sprang upon him, tripped him up, and held him to the ground.

Some take it up like a hot horseshoe, and hold it off at arm's length like a druggist pouring tincture of asafoetida in a bottle. And most of 'em catch hold of it and drag it right out before the lady's eyes like a boy finding a baseball in the grass, without giving her a chance to forget that the hand is growing on the end of her arm. Them ways are all wrong. "I'll tell you the right way.

He seized him in his bony, muscular grasp, as he would have seized a puppet, and held him at arm's length gasping and powerless; while Zonela, pale, breathless, entreating, sank half-kneeling on the floor. "Your skeleton will be interesting to science when you are dead, Mr. Solon," hissed the Wondersmith.

Juana left the room, but returned immediately. "Here," she said, holding out to him at arm's length a jewel, "that is Dona Lagounia's cross. There are four rubies in it, of great value, I have been told. Take it and go go!" "Felicie hasn't come back," he cried, with a sudden thought. "Can she have been arrested?"

She held Rose out at arm's length with both hands, and looked earnestly into her, and implored her not to play with fire. "Take warning by me." Rose recommended her to keep her pity for Monsieur Riviere, "who had fallen into nice hands," she said.

Emily sprang up, and tried to draw down his arm; and she did, but he only used it to put her from him, hold her off at arm's length, and look at her oh! with such a tender face of firm sorrow! "Ah! Emily," he said; "you too! It has been all on false pretences! That will have to be all over now." Then Emily's great brown eyes grew bigger with wonder and dismay.