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Scarcely had Ada uttered these words, than, casting a glance at her features, as if to ascertain that he heard aright, and was not in some frightful dream, the young Italian fell prostrate on his face before her.

Ah, brethren, if we understood Peter and Peter's Lord aright, we should be not the less, but the more anxious about our sins, because we have learnt to call God "Father." "Evil," it has been well said, "is a more terrible thing to the family than to the state."

Oxford studies had confused a little, but not killed, the faith of her fathers. The real trouble was that too often, nowadays, that exigent heart of hers would intrude upon her sacred devotions, transforming them into day-dreams, haloed with a hope the more frankly formulated because she was of the East. For Thea had guessed aright.

Only by those "who list with care extreme," are their gentle tones heard aright; and even from such are some secrets hidden.

"Aye, hothead! And burn thy brother's barn with what is in it! The Hindus here are many, and we are few, and there will be burnings and saberings a-plenty before a week is past, if I read the signs aright! Once before have I heard such murmurings. Once before I have seen chupatties sent from house to house at sunset and that time blood ran red along the roadside for a month to follow!

But, apart from this, and granting for the moment that his memory might be trusted to guided him aright, there were places to be passed and obstacles to be overcome which he admitted to himself he would not care to attempt unaided unless he were in actual peril of his life, and the assurances of Tiahuana had completely set his mind at rest on that score.

A yell of laughter interrupted him, but he went on firmly, "And if you do carry us away, I tell you that all my regiment will come up in a day and kill you all without leaving one. Who will take my message to the Colonel Sahib?" Speech in any vernacular and Wee Willie Winkie had a colloquial acquaintance with three was easy to the boy who could not yet manage his "r's" and "th's" aright.

But the doctor was in search of an able coadjutor just then, blessed with a steady brain and a tongue skilled in tender diplomacies. For there were trying things to be said and done, and he needed a woman of a fine spirit to do and say them aright. "Head like an eft," he said to himself, as course followed course, and, while bandying compliments with her, he watched and listened.

They rule the lives of men and women only in so far as their movements forecast the future. If we can read the stars aright, we may gain foreknowledge of events destined to happen. For what is written in the scroll of fate cannot be changed. From kismet there is no escape." "'Then tell me this, O astrologer, from your stars: is my noble lady here ever going to have a child, a son?

We must have exact thoughts or the music is not made aright, and the heart may be what it will, music tells all about it. Therefore, let it be good. But music in school brings us to daily tasks in tone. What do we learn?