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He cut off Peter Russet's gag, and Peter Russet called 'im 'arf a score o' names without taking breath. "And when Ginger's finished I'll 'ave a go at you," he ses. "Cut off these lines." "At once, d'ye hear?" ses Ginger. "Oh, you wait till I get my 'ands on you." Sam didn't answer 'em; he shut up 'is knife with a click and then 'e sat at the foot o' the bed on Ginger's feet and looked at 'em.

Lumme! you did give us a squeeze an' a' arf." "If I shall to hurt you I been sorry, Miss!" apologized the Slabbert. "All righto, Dutchy!" smiled Emigration Jane. "Don't tear your features." She bestowed a glance of almost vocal disdain upon a Kaffir girl in turkey-red cotton twill, with a green hat savagely pinned upon her woolly hair.

The clown brought out a large deep dish, and began by putting a whole turkey and an unskinned hare in it out of the larder; after that he put in sausages, jam, pickled walnuts, and lemons, and, in short, the first thing that came to hand. 'It ain't 'arf full yet, he said at last, as he looked gravely into the pie. 'No, said Tommy, sympathetically, 'can't we get anything else to put in?

He 'opped about that bar 'arf crazy, until at last the landlord and 'is brother, and a couple o' soldiers, and a helpless cripple wot wos selling matches, put 'im outside and told 'im to stop there. "He stopped there till Ginger and Peter came out, and then, drawing 'imself up in a proud way, he told 'em their characters and wot he thought about 'em.

"Esther, just look at Julia's dog," cried Jenny, "'e 'asn't got no more than 'arf a shoulder. It's lucky mother saw it, for if the manager'd seen it he'd have found something wrong with I don't know 'ow many more, and docked us maybe a shilling or more on the week's work." Julia began to cry. "Jenny is always down on me. She is jealous just because mother said I worked as fast as she did.

"Going to wot?" ses old Isaac, drawing 'imself up and looking very shocked. "A music-'all," ses Ginger, trying to keep 'is temper. "A music-'all," ses Isaac; "why, it's worse than a pub, Ginger. I should be a very poor friend o' yours if I let you go there I couldn't think of it." "Wot's it got to do with you, you gray-whiskered serpent?" screams Ginger, arf mad with rage.

He went without the next night, but 'e was such a generous man that 'e would pay every fourth time, and there was no pleasure to the other chaps to see 'im pay and 'ave nothing out of it. It spoilt their evening, and owing to 'aving only about 'arf wot they was accustomed to they all got up very disagreeable next morning. "Why not take just a little beer, Bill?" asks Ginger.

"You can't even raise a sick 'eadache out o' that squeak. 'Arf an inch lower now an' you might 'ave 'ad a nice little trip 'ome in an 'orspital ship." "You're wrong there, Jack," said another solemnly. "That splinter hit fair on top of his nut, an' glanced off. You don't think a pifflin' little Pip-Squeak shell could go through his head?"

"'Not afore twelve, and p'r'aps a good bit later, he ses, smiling all over with 'appiness. 'But young slab-chest don't know I'm out, and Winnie thinks I'm just going out for 'arf an hour, so it'll be all right. So long. "I watched 'im up the road, and I must say I began to wish I 'adn't taken the job on.

Why, they're hardly 'urt at all." "Don't answer 'im, Henery," ses John Biggs. "You save your breath to go and tell Sam Jones and the others about it. It'll cheer 'em up." "And tell 'em about my arf, in case they get too cheerful and go overdoing it," ses Bob Pretty, stopping at the door. "Good-night all."