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He had been to the village for necessaries, but he turned right round and carried her back to Mr. Pixleyses. And I s'pose Ardelia paid him, mebby as high as 75 cents. As for Bial, he tramped off into the house, and she didn't see him agin, nor didn't want to. Wall, I s'pose it wuz durin' that ride on the wheelbarrow, that Ardelia's ambition quelled to softer emotions. I s'pose so.

Unreasonable, wasn't it?" For Ardelia's sake she concealed her distrust and did her best to get on with the new head of the family. Only one thing she did, and that against Motley's and her father's protest. She withdrew her own little fortune, left her by her mother, from Captain Barnabas's care and deposited it in the Ostable savings bank and in equally secure places.

As soon as I recovered, or partially recovered, from my stupefaction I expostulated and scolded and argued. Hephzy was quiet but firm. She hated to part from me she couldn't bear to think of it; but on the other hand she couldn't abandon her Ardelia's little girl. The interview ended by my walking out of the room and out of Bancroft's in disgust. I did not return until late in the afternoon.

And I looked out constant to ketch him in some big story that would break him right down in Ardelia's eyes, for I knew if she had been brought up on any one commandment more'n another, it wuz the one ag'inst lyin'. She hated lyin'. She had been brought up on the hull of the commandments but on that one in particeler; she wuz brung up sharp but good. But not one lie could I ketch him in.

Flamburg had asked Ardelia's 3d cousin to introduce him to her, and from that time his attentions to her had been unremittent, voyalent, and close.

Old tenderness awoke in her, old angers also. She remembered how he had made her suffer in the obstinate course of his own will, and how free she had felt when at last she had broken their engagement and seen him drift under Ardelia's charm. But he would always mean something to her more than other men, in a fashion quite peculiar to himself. She had agonized too much over him.

"For poor dead Ardelia's sake," he wrote, "and for the sake of little Francis, your grandchild, I ask you to extend the financial help which I, as your heir-in-law, might demand.

Oh, I don't like it any better than you do." To my intense surprise, Hephzy threw her arms about my neck and hugged me. "I knew you would, Hosy!" she sobbed. "I knew you would. I was dyin' to have you, but I wouldn't have asked for the world. You're the best man that ever lived. I knew you wouldn't leave poor Ardelia's little girl to to Oh, I'm so grateful. You're the best man in the world."

But we shall have to know pretty soon." "I suppose we shall, but I can't I can't seem to think of anything that's ahead of us. All I can think is that my Little Frank my Ardelia's Little Frank is here, here with us, at last." "And TO last, so far as I can see. Hephzy, for heaven's sake, do try to be sensible. Do you realize what this means?

Ardelia's delicate figure straightened, and now she looked at Isabel. There was something new in her gentle glance. It looked like dignity. "I'm much obliged to you, Isabel," she returned stiffly. "If I go, I've arranged to go another way." "All right," said Isabel. "Well, I guess I'll be gettin' along." But before she was half-way to the turning of the road she heard Mrs.