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Joe Barlcomb thanked 'er, and with the bottle in 'is pocket went off to the Cauliflower, whistling. Bill Jones was there, and Peter Lamb, and two or three more of 'em, and at fust they said some pretty 'ard things to him about being woke up in the night. "Don't bear malice, Bill," ses Joe Barlcomb; "'ave a pint with me."

Here I was at last en route for the elusive Yeomanry Camp! Arrived at Brookwood, I chartered an ancient fly and in about twenty minutes or so espied the camp in a field some distance from the road along which we were driving. "'Ard up for a job I should say!" said my cabby, nodding jocosely towards the khaki figures working busily in the distance.

"No, indeed," cried Prudy, clinging fast to her mother's hand. "Poh! if I was afraid of a cow I'd be a cow ard. I'd as lief he'd see me as not, if you'll shake your parasol at him, mamma." Prudy breathed more freely when the cow was out of sight. Soon she saw something which caused her to forget her terror.

"In fact, I might go so far as to say I want to ask you to do me a favour." I looked at him so 'ard that he coughed and looked away. "We might talk about it over a 'arf-pint," he ses. "No, thank you," I ses. "I 'ad a 'arf-pint the day before yesterday, and I'm not thirsty." He stood there fidgeting about for a bit, and then he puts his 'and on my shoulder.

If I am a little strange it is probably due to lack of sleep, nothing more." "Ye see, Peter, I tried so 'ard to kill 'ee, an' you said yourself as I come nigh doin' it " "But then, you didn't quite manage it," I cried harshly "would to God you had; as it is, I am alive, and there's an end of it." "'Twere a woundy blow I give 'ee that last one!

"Why, it do seem a bit 'ard to the likes o' we, brother, but then we only see as through a glass darkly. "Then this is not Christ's Heavenly Father, but Jehovah, the blood-spattered deity of the Jews, a God of battles, of sacrifices and death, a God pitiless and without mercy.

Thither he came, ard at his first entry, treated us as Lycas had done: After which wringing his hands together, he upbraided us with the lye we had made of Lycas, and taking Ascyltos from us, lock'd us up in the room where we were, without so much as hearing him speak in our defence; but carrying him to his house, set a guard upon us, till himself should return.

"Someone, in some place concealed, indubitably smokes. Yourself you have noticed it. Follow the scent." Exertion beaded upon Mr. Fletcher's brow. He drew his hand across it; thrust a damp and gloomy face between the foliage towards his master. "I'd like to know," he asked, "if this is to be one of my regular jobs for the future? Was I engaged to 'unt smells all day? It's 'ard-damn 'ard.

"'I mean, I ses, getting a bit out o' temper, 'that your boy has run away to go to sea, and I've come to take you to 'im. "He seemed so upset that I thought 'e was going to 'ave a fit at fust, and it seemed only natural, too. Then I see that the best-looking girl and another was having a fit, although trying 'ard not to.

He stood there struck all of a heap. "Do you know 'em?" ses Peter. Sam couldn't answer 'im for a time. He was doing a bit of 'ard thinking. "Chap I 'ad a row with the other night," he ses, at last. He walked on very thoughtful, and the more 'e thought, the less 'e liked it. He was so pale that Ginger thought 'e was ill and advised 'im to 'ave a drop o' brandy.