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Fletcher, yet writhing. "You hear that?" he had cried. "Dolt! You are responsible for this!" He touched the blood-flecked side, the abrased ear; clasped close the Rose; called for warm water. Mr. Fletcher clapped a hand to his wound as shakily he rose. "I go to rescue his cat!" he said; "I'm near worried to death by 'ounds. I'm a dolt. I'm responsible. It's 'ard, damn 'ard.

But, and he lifted his trembling hands above his head, 'if ye stop the wisky a-flowin' round this camp, ye'll stop some of these lads that's a-followin' me 'ard. Yes, you! and you! and you! and his voice rose to a wild scream as he shook a trembling finger at one and another.

"You work oncommon 'ard drownd me if you don't!" "Pretty hard!" I nodded. "An' gets well paid for it, p'r'aps?" "Not so well as I could wish," said I. "Not so well as 'e could wish," nodded the Postilion, apparently addressing the sledge-hammer, for his gaze was fixed upon it. "Of course not the 'arder a man works the wuss 'e gets paid 'ow much did you say you got a week?"

So here's where I ooze away. S' long, all!" The Old Un, having bolted the last handful of cake, got upon his legs and clutched the Spider's coat in talon-like fingers. "'Old 'ard, young feller, me lad!" he cried. "If there's any chance of a scrap comin' off wot about me? Gimme me 'at, Joe, an' get yourn; if I don't knock some on 'em stone cold call me a perishin' ass!"

As we approached the summit of the first part of the mountain the way became very steep and toilsome, but the prospect, which had before been only on the south side, began to open on the east, and we saw suddenly spread out below us the vale of Monteith, with "far Loch Ard and Aberfoil" in the center and the huge front of Ben Venue filling up the picture. Taking courage from this, we hurried on.

They wanted to know if they had reached Germany yet, and when we told them that they were not out of France and had all of Belgium still to traverse, they groaned their dismay in chorus. "We've 'ad a very 'ard time of it, sir," said a spokesman, who wore sergeant's stripes on his sleeves and who told us he came from Sheffield.

He was walking slow and looking about 'im casual-like, until his eyes fell on me, when he gave a perfect jump of surprise, and, arter looking at me very 'ard, walked on a little way and then turned back. He did it twice, and I was just going to say something to 'im, something that I 'ad been getting ready for 'im, when he spoke to me. "Good evening," he ses.

One day when she was asleep, I was turnin' over 'er clothes to see how much longer they would hold together, when I feels a somethink 'ard sewed up in the breast; I rips it open, and it was that letter. I didn't put it back in the frock ag'in, 'cause I thought it might be useful some day in findin' out who she was. She never missed it.

"You won't refuse to come out with me some Sunday. I've a half a share in a public-house, the 'King's Head, and have been backing winners all this year. I've plenty of money to treat you. I should like to make it up to you. Perhaps you've 'ad rather a 'ard time. What 'ave yer been doing all these years? I want to hear." "What 'ave I been doing? Trying to bring up your child!

Fletcher: "As you this night quit yourself so will I consider the question of your dismissal. If blood is spilt this night it will be upon your head." Mr. Fletcher trembled. "That's just it. It's 'ard damn 'ard " "Forward, Iscariot." Mr. Marrapit drove Judas before him; in the hall took down the gun and pressed it into the shaking hands.