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The Guardian asks that you consult with the architect, asking him to submit a few modifications of the plan, simply in a rough pencil sketch, incorporating the following adjustments: 1. A third story should be provided without of course increasing the size of the building. The building must be 9-sided instead of round. A lantern should be placed on the top of the dome.

I was under the impression that you had, and have had all along, a "free hand"; for I do not recollect that any suggestions I have been so unfortunate as to make have met with your approval. This gives you an ample margin, and, as you know, is far more than I originally contemplated. 'I am, 'Yours truly, On the following day he received a note from Bosinney: 'PHILIP BAYNES BOSINNEY, 'Architect,

Paul's in London, referring to Sir Christopher Wren, its architect, 'If you would behold his monument, look around you, may be applied in a far more comprehensive sense to our friend, since the great globe itself has become his monument."

The Duke of Sussex, as well as the Duke and Duchess of Kent, had apartments in the palace. He dwelt in the portion of the southern front understood to belong to the original building. His brother and sister-in-law were lodged not far off, but their apartments formed part of an addition made by King William, who employed Sir Christopher Wren as his architect.

His art certainly also owed to her its best development from the inexhaustible spring of faith which is formed from thousands of rivulets and tributaries in the holy domain of the Catholic Church, and in it alone, the most sublime of all material flowed to the musician, and not to him only, but to the artist, the architect, and the sculptor.

Look here, Cooper, it is too early in the day to attempt a pun." "Pun? Not at all," Cooper retorted. "Don't you know my present ambition? To-day -whatever my aspiration may be to-morrow -to-day I mean to fit myself for architecture and landscape gardening. And when in the misty future you see the name of Architect Cooper Fennimore, Adviser in Extra-ordinary to the President "

The architect said no more; but his companions saw that his keen eye noticed everything. Presently they alighted from the carriage, and Mr. Curtis, giving his wife his arm, began to explain where he intended his house to stand. "I settled upon another place at first," he said.

M. Fontaine excused himself by pointing out to his Majesty that he was not responsible for the buildings of Paris, as although he had the honor of being chief architect of the Emperor, it was for the Tuileries and the Louvre alone.

The first part is that which will be of most value to the architectural reader. In it are described the principal types of domestic architecture, giving most prominence to the work of France. The illustrations of this portion of the work are well chosen and very well printed. In fact, to the architect they form the most valuable part of the book. The second part is devoted mainly to Mr.

The latter greeted his father with a curt good-morning, and, taking an envelope from his pocket, said: "It may interest you to look through this." James read as follows: '309D, SLOANE STREET, May 15, 'The construction of your house being now completed, my duties as architect have come to an end.