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The archdeacon declared that, if he did so, such and such results would follow, results which, as was apparent to every one, would make it indispensable that the major should leave Cosby Lodge. The major had never complained. So he told himself. He had simply said to his father, "I shall do as I have said. You can do as you have said. Therefore I shall prepare to leave Cosby Lodge."

"But come in; nothing the matter, I hope." "We are very glad you are come, Papa," said his daughter. "I'll go and get your room ready at once." "I an't warden, Archdeacon," said Mr. Harding; "Mr. Quiverful is warden." "Oh, I know, I know," said the archdeacon petulantly. "I forgot all about it at the moment. Is anything the matter?" "Don't go this moment, Susan," said Mr. Harding.

"And conclusive," continued the archdeacon; "if they press it to a jury, which they won't do, no twelve men in England will take five minutes to decide against them."

The archdeacon must present his compliments, and pressed upon me some of his West India sherry, and I was carried into a vastly fine library, where I was presented to his lady wife. While we were at sherry in the library, ale was handed round upon the terrace. The echoes of the mountains were engaged in saying to me privately: 'You fool, you have done it now!

But I have the highest opinion of his character, his work and his importance here, and I would like every one in the room to know that before we go any further." "That's right. That's right," said Ryle, smiling around nervously upon every one. "Canon Martin is right, don't you think? I hope nobody here will say that I have any ill feeling against the Archdeacon.

I don't say that he wished her to die, or that he would have done anything to contrive her death " "Gracious, archdeacon; do, pray, hold your tongue." "But it stands to reason that her going will be a great relief to him. What has she done for him? She has made him contemptible to everybody in the diocese by her interference, and his life has been a burden to him through her violence."

The archdeacon, with all his virtues, was not a man of delicate feeling; and after having made his morning salutations in the warden's drawing-room, he did not scruple to commence an attack on "pestilent" John Bold in the presence of Miss Harding, though he rightly guessed that that lady was not indifferent to the name of his enemy.

In the diocese of Barchester the Archdeacon of Barchester does the work. In that capacity he is diligent, authoritative, and, as his friends particularly boast, judicious. His great fault is an overbearing assurance of the virtues and claims of his order, and his great foible is an equally strong confidence in the dignity of his own manner and the eloquence of his own words.

They were the chief managers at that time of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; and when, in 1813, a Danish missionary was sent out by that Society to take charge of the congregations left by Schwartz and his colleagues, it was Archdeacon Middleton who was selected to deliver a charge to him. It was a very powerful and impressive speech, and perhaps occasioned Dr.

Sir Lamda Mewnew and Sir Omicron Pie, the two great London doctors, now came down for the fifth time and declared, shaking their learned heads, that another week of life was impossible; and as they sat down to lunch in the episcopal dining-room, whispered to the archdeacon their own private knowledge that the ministry must fall within five days.