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The Merrow did not seem much displeased at this mode of conversation; and making an end of her whining all at once, 'Man, says she, looking up in Dick Fitzgerald's face; 'man, will you eat me? 'By all the red petticoats and check aprons between Dingle and Tralee, cried Dick, jumping up in amazement, 'I'd as soon eat myself, my jewel! Is it I eat you, my pet?

The gloves and slippers were quite dirty, and the barege was old and darned; but the general effect was so very gorgeous, that the children, who were dressed for play, in gingham frocks and white aprons, were quite dazzled at the appearance of their guest.

"O, it's teacher, mother," said Martha, springing to meet her, light coming into her heavy, swollen eyes. "And how do you do, ma'am; it's kind of you to come. And it's a sorry day this has been." By this time chairs had been backed until they could go no farther, aprons smoothed, and the sleeves of the tall orator pulled down.

At other times she was satisfied to be what Doctor Hugh insisted she should be content to be for several more years, "just a little girl." When the girls of the Eastshore school reached the seventh grade, they entered the cooking class. The white aprons and caps were much coveted and whatever other study might be neglected, each girl usually put her best into the weekly cooking lesson.

A girl who earns her own living, hearing I was making these aprons, sent me this one which she bought. It was worked across the bottom, and I thought, as poor Ann rubbed her hands over the work she could not see, but only touch, how cheered the young lady would be when she heard of the joy her gift gave.

"Then she browbeat him into it. Scissors and white aprons yes, I know her!" "He didn't seem browbeaten. They were smoking quite companionably when I chanced upon them." "Smoking! Our angel child smoking!" This from Sharon Whipple in tones that every child present knew as a mere pretense of horror. Juliana shrugged cynically. "They always go to the bad after they leave their nice homes," she said.

Every afternoon if the weather is favorable, tastefully dressed children appear in charge of nursemaids in white caps and aprons, and together they make picturesque groups in the shade of elm and lime trees. At breakfast, Leo proposed a study of Paris, as seen from the Arc de Triomphe de l'Etoile, so named from the star formed by a dozen avenues which radiate from it.

Upon this pillar, and on the slender rafters, were laid or suspended sundry Indian utensils of the kitchen and the field, wooden bowls, earthen pans and Irazen pots, guns, hatchets, and fish-spears, with ears of corn, dried roots, smoked meats, blankets and skins, and many articles that had perhaps been plundered from the Long-knives, such as halters and bridles, hats, coats shawls, and aprons, and other such gear; among which was conspicuous a bundle of scalps, some of them with long female tresses, the proofs of the prowess of a great warrior, who, like the other fighting-men of his race, accounted the golden ringlets of a girl as noble a trophy of valour as the grizzled locks of a veteran soldier.

Up and down the sides of the trench walked men in great aprons, long-handled brushes, like white-wash brushes, in their hands. These brushes they dipped into buckets of salt and pepper, strung along the trench at regular intervals, and smeared the sizzling meat, a sort of Titanic seasoning process.

Nor was there the least embarrassment on the part of either when, with one of Sing Pete's aprons tied about his waist, he worked at the range or kitchen table.