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There was a sort of hard, hearty defiance about him, typical of his severe, angular race, and I studied his large limbs and grim, full face with curious admiration. He told me that he hired his negro hands from the surrounding slave-owners, and that he gave them premiums upon excess of work, approximating to wages.

Here will be found three small light-surrounded craters arranged in a triangle, with a somewhat larger crater in the middle. PURBACH. An immense enclosure of irregular shape, approximating to that of a rhomboid with slightly curved sides. It is fully 60 miles across, and the walls in places exceed 8000 feet in altitude, and include many depressions, large and small.

For this road, approximating to one hundred miles in length, was constructed of a uniform width of about one hundred feet, apparently also of uniform gradient for in some parts it was raised on a low embankment, while in others it passed through more or less shallow cuttings and with just the right amount of camber to quickly throw off the rainwater into the broad gutters or watercourses that were built on either side of it.

The Revolutionary war, out of 3,000,000 people, developed one great military chieftain, but many more approximating his ability; one or more great statesmen with all gradations down to the mediocre; scholars and writers, with others little inferior; but there was no overtowering genius 10,000,000 or 10,000,000,000 times as great as any other.

As Terence had, the evening before the battle, seen a sketch-map on which General Fane had written the names and positions of the British force and those of the French, he was able to draw one closely approximating to it. In ten minutes he got up and handed the sketch to Sir John Cradock.

From between the various nodosities a continual discharge exuded, the nodosities being markedly irregular over the limbs. The backs of the hands, the dorsums of the feet, the wrists and ankles, had closely approximating growths upon them, while under the thick epidermis of the palms of the hands were blisters. Itching was intense.

Then feeling assured that she had put a curse upon Shuntoku, that wicked woman went home. And she said humbly, "I have returned;" and she pretended to be faithful and true. These numbers simply indicate a great multitude in the language of the people; they have no exact significance. Kago, a kind of palanquin. The ancient ryo or tael had a value approximating that of the dollar of 100 sen.

Now, we become like those whom we habitually reflect. I could prove from science that applies even to the physical framework of animals that they are influenced and organically changed by the environment in which they life. This mysterious approximating of two souls, who has not witnessed?

But at the close of the thirteenth century, Giotto, and in the course of the fourteenth, Orcagna, sought, for the first time, to give some resemblance to nature in their backgrounds, and introduced behind their figures pieces of true landscape, formal enough still, but complete in intention, having foregrounds and distances, sky and water, forests and mountains, carefully delineated, not exactly in their true color, but yet in color approximating to the truth.

It exhibits a very marked departure from circularity, the outline of the border approximating in form to a hexagon with nearly straight sides. It includes an area of about 9000 square miles, the greatest distance from side to side being about 115 miles.