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I had looked on my affair with Buck as a thing of the open air and the darkness. I had figured him lying in wait in lonely roads, possibly, even, lurking about the grounds; but in my most apprehensive moments I had not imagined him calling at the front door and holding me up with a revolver in my own classroom. And yet it was the simple, even the obvious, thing for him to do.

"I heard my name and thought I'd come and take a hand in the discussion," Phebe announced, as she strolled into the room. "Have I done anything you don't like? If I have, just mention it." "Nothing more than usual," Theodora said, laughing. "Goodness me, Babe! What's that?" "What's what?" Phebe cast an apprehensive glance behind her. "In your hand?" "That? Oh, that's my tibia.

Soon after that she left him to retire to the compartment in which her maid traveled alone. "We arrive at eight, do we not?" she asked him. "Then I must make my toilet." She smiled down on him as she spoke, and gave him a little significant nod. The train was already running into the station when she returned. O'Neill, nervous and apprehensive, gave her a quick glance.

About her door John hung like a miserable debarred ghost, for after the first few days her mind wandered painfully, and his presence excited her dangerously. For weeks he vacillated between perfunctory work at the office, unsatisfactory talks with busy doctors and impatient nurses, and long apprehensive hours in what had been home.

I had often been invited, but had never before consented, to call him Tony. "I want to ask you something before you go," I said. He gave me a queer, apprehensive look. "Please don't!" "Then I'll tell you something, instead. There isn't one word of truth in your story about what happened. You've been making it all up." "That's where you're mistaken," he contradicted me. "I haven't made it up."

I did not understand it, so it did not tempt, and as I look back, I realize that the book of life was spread before me wisely and gradually, father turning page after page, then passing the task to Evan, so that I never had a shock or disillusionment. I wonder if mother had lived if I should think differently, and be more apprehensive about the boys, womanwise?

The door swung open, revealing a dark passage, cut partly through stone and partly through earth. Inside on the floor was a bell of good size. One of the men lifted the bell and rang it loudly. "What does that mean?" thought Rodney, who felt more curious than apprehensive. He soon learned.

To have expected any protection from her escort, in the condition to which superstitious fear had reduced him, would have been truly a hopeless trust; and Lady Peveril, who was not apprehensive of any danger, thought there would be great cruelty in dragging the cowardly boy into a scene which he regarded with so much apprehension.

Whatever may be the true explanation impossible now to recover everything we know of Cicero forbids us to reckon insensibility among his faults, or reserve in expressing his feelings among his characteristics. He is, however, at present simply annoyed at the inconvenience, not yet apprehensive of any harm to the constitution.

Apprehensive, however, of a second attack, he beckoned to his companion to hasten towards the other gate, which was not visible from that through which the shot had been fired, and in the meantime, he himself ran also towards it, in order to try whether it might not be possible to get some view or trace of the assassin.