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Under this appalling fire of inspection, some of the victims waddle, some hurry; some look up and down nervously, others glance over the shoulder as if dreading to be apprehended; some turn red, others pale, according to complexion and temperament; some swing their arms, other trip on their gowns; some twitch the buttons of a glove, or tweak a flower or a jewel.

He drew the Evening News from his pocket and passed it to her. The paragraph to which he pointed was headed Up to the time of going to press, the man Isaac Lalonde, whom the police failed to arrest last night on a charge not at present precisely stated, has not been apprehended.

None among the Manifestations of old, except to a prescribed degree, hath ever completely apprehended the nature of this Revelation.” “I testify before God to the greatness, the inconceivable greatness of this Revelation. Great, immeasurably great is this Cause!

His brothers, though less compliant, followed his example for the moment, and no danger was to be apprehended in that quarter, except from the indomitable James Fitzmaurice, self-exiled on the continent. No higher tribute could be paid to the character of that heroic man than the closeness with which all his movements were watched by English spies, specially set upon his track.

She had apprehended a number of delightful possibilities in Paris, none of which had materialised, alas! in her case. John was the same as ever quiet, dignified, polite and unmoved. She had taken to turning out the light before he came to her at night, to hide the disappointment and chagrin which she felt might show in her eyes. It would be so humiliating if he should see this.

You, as a representative of the other system, do not lay so much stress upon these things, but do take cognizance of the symptoms in each case with surprising particularity. And I notice that you appear to base your prescription solely upon what you term the 'totality of symptoms. How nearly am I right?" "Count, you have apprehended the exact condition of things.

"I feel as weak as a rag," said the patient. "I am sure I could not bear my own weight. What a powerful effect it had!" "Don't think of it," returned the doctor. "Compose yourself. There is now no danger to be apprehended whatever." The wild flight of Jane through the street, and the hurried movements of the doctor, did not fail to attract attention.

III. Look in, let not either the proper quality, or the true worth of anything pass thee, before thou hast fully apprehended it.

But if the danger to be apprehended from this source is sufficient to require it, a discretion might be reserved to Congress to direct to such improvements of a general character as the States concerned might not be disposed to unite in, the application of the quotas of those States, under the restriction of confining to each State the expenditure of its appropriate quota.

Michonnis and the emigrant were detected and forthwith apprehended; and the vigilance exercised in regard to the unfortunate prisoner became from that day more rigorous than ever. Under pretence of giving her a person to wait upon her they placed near her a spy, a man of a horrible countenance and hollow, sepulchral voice.