United States or Georgia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Her noting and being sometimes moved by it was as natural as her pleasure in the opening of spring flowers or the new thrill of spring birds but she did not know that either. The brain which has worked through many years in unison with the soul to which it was apportioned has evolved a knowledge which has deep cognizance of the universal law.

In European Russia approximately as many more remain to be apportioned. The effects of this innovation were rapid and encouraging. The value of the land rose enormously in consequence of the intenser culture and the increased yield.

The convention in Virginia shall consist of the same number of members as represented the territory now constituting Virginia in the most numerous branch of the Legislature of said State in the year eighteen hundred and sixty, to be apportioned as aforesaid.

And again, in the words before quoted: "Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which shall be included in this Union, according to their respective numbers."

By-and-by the popularity, of the play waned, and the time came when he sickened of the whole affair, and withdrew his agent, and took whatever gain from it the actor apportioned him. He was apt to have these sudden surceases, following upon the intensities of his earlier interest; though he seemed always to have the notion of making something more of Colonel Sellers.

The conductor merely walked through the cars collecting silver dollars, of which he subsequently apportioned to the treasury of the company as many as he saw fit. They were probably not many. On one occasion I stood at a booking-office and, speaking through the small window, asked the clerk for a ticket to a certain place.

In simple truth, it was not in Miss Spencer's sympathetic disposition to be cruel to any man, and in this puzzling situation she exhibited all the impartiality possible. The Reverend Mr. Wynkoop always felt serenely confident of an uninterrupted welcome upon Sunday evenings after service, while the other nights of the week were evenly apportioned between the two more ardent aspirants.

Colored men must have resided in the state three years, own a freehold of $250 in value over incumbrances, and have paid a tax thereon. Legislature. Senate, thirty-two members elected in single districts for two years. Assembly, one hundred and twenty-eight members, apportioned among the counties.

Then there were twenty-two ingots, or bars of silver, each of about six ounces in weight. Five of these were apportioned to each of us, two being left to be dealt with afterwards. Next, there were thirteen brooches, such as the Scandinavians as I learned later on were accustomed to use for binding their mantles. They were all of similar pattern, and would weigh, perhaps, three ounces each.

Care in all relating to her health. 3. Work so apportioned as to leave room for growth, beyond the mere repair of tissue, and 4. Sleep. In no homes that I know in America, are all these points so completely secured as at Vassar. Every year, about one hundred girls leave this institution, to take their positions in life.