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Elizabeth's uncle was so annoyed that he forgot the embarrassment of the occasion, and said, satirically, to Mrs. Richie: "Well, well! 'See how we apples swim'!" which made her laugh, but did not disturb David in the least. The moment luncheon was over, Elizabeth rose. "I must go and see Nannie," she said; and David, opening the door for her, said, "I'll go along with you."

But they had reckoned without their wily English host. As they came nearer van, and at last reserve they dropped in great heaps under the steady fire of the musketry as Philip Flaming, looking on, exclaimed like apples when the autumn wind blows through the orchard.

"That shows that peaches are rather common in this country. That is the Asiatic apple and it was one of those apples that Mrs. Adam took a bite at " "Then I excuse her!" said Madame Caterna, munching away at one of these delicious peaches.

"We have carrots and turnips chopped up for lunch," announced Maizie immediately. "And baked apples, with the tiniest drop of cream for each one," completed Suzanna. "And the baby has a clean dress on, too," Maizie added, like an anticlimax. Mr. Procter exclaimed in appropriate manner. He seemed younger today, charged with a high spirit.

That was easy enough, for home study was never dreamed of by most of them, and leisure hours in school were passed in marking "tit-tat-to" upon slates or eating apples under the friendly shelter of the desks. At the end of the term I received a prize a highly coloured print of "Washington Crossing the Delaware," which Pa and Ma used long after to bring out and exhibit with pride.

They bought from him a barrel of pretty hard cider and several bushels of apples. His wife knew how to make fried dough nuts of real Indiana digestibility. They would be luxuries for the boys, and a half-bushel were contracted for. The farmer was to bring them all in his wagon, and Si and Shorty were to meet him at the pickets and guard the treasures to their abode.

"When you've quite disposed of all your fellow-creatures and the dumb creation, Harry, perhaps you will condescend to go out into the orchard and see how your father is getting on with picking the apples," said Mrs. Wood, joining Miss Laura and the two young men, her eyes twinkling and sparkling with amusement. "The apples will keep, mother," said Mr. Harry, putting his arm around her.

He had the sympathy of all his companions in arms and got innumerable bites of apples, cancelled postage stamps, and colored advertising-labels in token of their esteem. But the principal effect of this first serious wound was to invest the war with a breathless and all-absorbing interest. It was now no longer "make believe," but deadly earnest.

Last week a barrel of apples and another of oranges appeared mysteriously, and to-day comes a note, written in a hand we do not recognise, saying we are not to buy holly, mistletoe, evergreens, Christmas tree, or baubles of any kind, as they will be sent to us on December 22.

She burst out laughing, 'Lord's sake, fool, why, your girl would be sixty now an she had lived. Well, so it may be; you see, the new mill was put up the week she died, and you call the new mill old; but, my girl, she is young to me. Always young. Come here, Bébée." Bébée went after him a little awed, into the dusky interior, that smelt of stored apples and of dried herbs that hung from the roof.