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Indignant boys, who have heard appetising tales of the days which are gone, are compelled to "swat" at Continental tongues as if they were serious languages like Latin and Greek, and are actually kept in if they have not done a French verb.

"I'll get you something as quick as I can," she said, good-naturedly. "I didn't know you was going to town, Miss Thorpe." "Just decided," said Azalea, carelessly; "and I don't want breakfast, only a cup of coffee and a bit of toast. There's a good cookie." Smiling at the cajolery, the cook bustled about and soon had an appetising little repast ready.

The waiter sometimes rivals the hotel clerk himself in the splendour of his attire, but this does not render more appetising the spectacle of his thumb in the soup.

However hungry he might be he turned from the proffered morsel in disgust, and it ended almost invariably in my having to put it down his throat. One morning, after keeping him for many hours without food, and having neatly wrapped the powder in a most appetising piece of raw meat, I offered it him in the vain hope that hunger might prevail over prejudice. But no.

Three or four fires were burning about the camp in different parts, three cooking the mealies and rice which formed the diet of the men, their stock of tinned meats having been exhausted; while the fourth, which was watched by a native boy, contained the more appetising meal of the Captain.

On returning home they walked side by side with rapt faces, an agreeable smell emanating from both of them and her silk dress rustling pleasantly. At home they drank tea with milk-bread and various jams, and then ate pie. Every day at noontime there was an appetising odour in the yard and outside the gate of cabbage soup, roast mutton, or duck; and, on fast days, of fish.

As the cousins ran downstairs together, an appetising smell of roasting chickens came to their nostrils, and Toni sniffed appreciatively. "I wish Uncle Fred had a birthday every week! Isn't it fun having people in and playing games afterwards!" "Rather, but I wish we'd been going to the theatre!" "Well, so do I," conceded Toni, "but anyhow this is better than one of our usual dull evenings!"

Reginald could hardly help smiling at this appetising resume. "I want something to eat," he said. "Is there any place near here where I can get it?" "Trum's, but 'is sosseges is off at three o'clock. Better try Cupper's he's a good 'un for bloaters; I deals with 'im." Reginald felt neither the spirit nor the inclination to make a personal examination into the merits of the rival caterers.

There was nothing left but the piece of bread. Plain bread without anything on it was not appetising, but there was no help for it. Pashka thought a little, and ate the bread. At that moment the nurse came in with another bowl. This time there was roast meat with potatoes in the bowl. "And where is the bread?" asked the nurse.

There was a cheerful fire burning in Sophie's sitting-room, and the table was laid for tea in quite an appetising fashion. The landlady came in at the sound of footsteps, and showed a sympathetic interest at the sight of Sophie's tear-stained face. "I told you you weren't fit to go out!" she said sagely.