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"Don't run!" shouted Gov. Grimes. "Stand your ground, my men! Rally!" "No, sir," said Charlie, replying to the first appeal, and then, in response to the second, said, quickly, "Yes, sir." Charlie was the only one among "my men" willing to "rally." But the governor was not discouraged. He was resolute, even at times to stubbornness. He waved his clothes-stick and shrieked, "Come on! I defy you!"

Marie lay perdu, and he could see that her eyes had the same dark fire, the same tragic look of appeal that he had seen in them before once in the Champs-Elysées and again in his dreams. Abruptly he became aware that while he gazed, like a man in a trance, the two young people walked on their way and were on the point of passing beyond reach of eye or ear.

He did not appear, however, to regard them in that light by any means; for when he spoke again, it was in a tone of severity. 'Look about you, he said, pointing to the graves; 'and remember that from your bridal hour to the day which sees you brought as low as these, and laid in such a bed, there will be no appeal against him. Think, and speak, and act, for once, like an accountable creature.

Her mind had gone roving to the night when the frightened girl about whom they were talking had made her first appearance in the circus lot, clinging timidly to the hand of the man who had just made her his wife. Her eyes had met Polly's, with a look of appeal that had gone straight to the child's simple heart.

At last, when all was ready, Edward issued an appeal to his subjects, protesting the purity of his motives, and emphasising the inexorable necessity under which he was forced to play the tyrant in the interests of the whole realm. By the beginning of August such barons as were willing to go to Flanders began to assemble in arms at London.

There have been only three men to fill that office, Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and John Taylor who now occupies the position. This chief with two councillors form the first presidency. Next in order come the twelve apostles who hold equal authority in church matters with the president, though the presidency is the last resort in case of appeal.

Yet he did not scorn to use what may almost be called the tricks of his art, if he thought they would help to secure him a verdict. The outward and visible appeal to the feelings seems to have been as effective in the Roman forum as with a British jury.

Germain Inconsiderate step taken by Bonaparte Louis XVIII's indignation Prudent advice of the Abbe Andre Letter from Louis XVIII. to Bonaparte Council held at Neuilly The letter delivered Indifference of Bonaparte, and satisfaction of the Royalists. Perhaps one of the happiest ideas that ever were expressed was that of the Athenian who said, "I appeal from Philip drunk to Philip sober."

You have known me for several years now, and you’ve found me useful, too. You know I was a straight man. Yes, straight.” This appeal to old acquaintance must have been extremely distasteful to the Chief Inspector. His voice took on a warning note. “Don’t you trust so much to what you have been promised. If I were you I would clear out. I don’t think we will run after you.”

Democracy and autocracy were plainly at war with one another, and yet if we look closely we shall see that neither one can offer any actual demonstration of its validity as the most superior or the final form of government. In part they may appeal to the observable course of history for their justification, but the final source of judgment seems to rest in the mass of opinion in the world.