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She smiled, and then the smile died out, and she glanced around her. "I owe you an apology," she said in a lowered voice. "For what?" "For mis for not answering your letters. But I mis I don't know how to say what I wish. Won't you accept it without an explanation?" She held out her hand and gave him the least little flitting glance of appeal. "I will," said Keith. "With all my heart."

If he guesses wrong, the lawyer "excepts" and the case may be reversed on appeal. This is not a test of the defendant's guilt or innocence, but a test of the abstract learning and quickness of the presiding judge. It is generally believed that appellate courts are prone to reverse criminal cases on purely technical grounds.

"I appeal to God against such a doom for my child. I appeal to God to help me. I am a mother, and as such I cry to God for help for help to keep my boy in His pitying sight, and to bring him up in His holy fear. Let the shame fall on me! I have deserved it, but he he is so innocent and good." Ruth had caught up her shawl, and was tying on her bonnet with her trembling hands.

She felt the hunger, the passionate appeal: "Oh God come! Prove Thyself! We have waited so long. We have resisted unbelievers, we have fought our own doubts and betrayals, give us now a Sign! something by which we may know Thee!" and with that appeal the conviction in the hearts of almost all present that nothing would happen, that God would give no sign, that the age of miracles was past.

"Oh, I appeal to God the Great Judge, against the injustice which has been done me." There was none there that could endure it. They turned away, with the tears running down their faces. In a moment I was on my knees at her feet. At once she thought only of my danger, and bent and whispered in my hear: "Up! do not peril yourself, good heart.

Busy as he had been with commercial ventures, there was never a time when he had not stood ready with his help. And even my father's name he had never recalled it, except with regretful affection in his sad little reminiscences of older, pleasanter days. I thought I detected a trace of that affection, a trace of appeal, almost, in the look he gave us as we entered.

By the listenin' earth and the watching sky I appeal to ye to make yer stand to-day. I implore ye to join yer hearts and yer lives with mine. Lift yer voices with me: stretch forth yer hands with mine and by yer hopes of happiness here and peace hereafter give an oath to heaven never to cease fightin' until freedom and light come to this unhappy land!"

It gave a voice to the silent appeal of pictures and posters and illustrated weeklies all over the town; it disturbed the silence of the most secret groves in the vast, undiscovered hearts of men and women young and old.

He looked at her with an austere tightening of the mouth and held off. "And they have told you that I ruined her," he said, "and you believe them." "No no," she cried; "not that!" His eyes were on her, but there was no yielding in them. The arrogant pride of a strong man, plainly born, was face to face with her appeal. His features were set with the rigidity of stone.

He says it is important." Captain Monk tore the paper to bits. "Not to-night, tell your mistress, is my answer," said he to Rimmer. "Hubert, you can go to your aunt now; it's past your bed-time." There could be no appeal, as the boy knew; but he went off unwillingly and in bitter resentment against Mrs. Carradyne. He supposed she had sent for him.