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What moreover is, on this last assumption, the thing to be realised Brahman, or the cessation of the apparent world? Not Brahman; for Brahman is something accomplished, and from your assumption it would follow that it is not eternal. Well then, the dissolution of the world! Not so, we reply; for then it would not be Brahman that is realised.

Boullanger and his party had gone out in the boat to chart a part of the coast with more detail than was possible from the deck of the corvette. But they had not been away more than a quarter of an hour, according to Peron, when Baudin, "without any apparent reason," bore off the coast.

It would far transcend the height to which a physiologist must confine his flights, should we attempt to reconcile this apparent contradiction.

The liver becomes deranged, and loss of health and strength are at once apparent. It is then, as Sir Henry Thompson has well pointed out, that the fond but foolish wife often does her husband incalculable harm by her efforts to "keep up his system."

Half forming such conceptions as these in her rapid walk along the dreary streets of South Kensington, she determined that, whatever else might be obscure, she must further the objects of Mary, Denham, William, and Cassandra. The way was not apparent. No course of action seemed to her indubitably right.

"I suppose you have now had enough of the fish?" remarked Glenn, as they retraced their steps homeward. "I'll acknowledge that I'm satisfied for the present; but I was resolved to have satisfaction!" replied Joe. "Yes, but you have had it with a vengeance; and I doubt not that your apparent contentment is but cold comfort," continued Glenn.

'Tell me, in the name of heaven, what all this means! exclaimed Maitland, turning a look of eager inquiry on Mooanam, who stood with characteristic silence and apparent composure, waiting the proper moment to speak. 'Tell me, cried the distracted father again, 'what dire calamity has befallen my boy?

All public life in Venice also suffered by this extraordinary rift between the general public and the authorities; this was peculiarly apparent in the relations of the population to the Austrian officers, who floated about publicly in Venice like oil on water.

Hayes was allowed to be peacefully inaugurated. The new administration had been in power only a short while before it became apparent to southern Republicans that they had very little to expect from this administration.

If they were in separate countries of the world they could hear news of each other from time to time, and so they can when apparent death has divided them." "How?" asked Angela with quick interest.