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"C-court'll hev to app'int an agent?" "I callate." "Er you a candidate Sam you a candidate?" "Don't know but what I be," answered the usually wary Mr. Price. "G-goin' to Harwich hain't you?" "Mebbe I be, and mebbe I hain't," said Sam, not able to repress a self-conscious snicker. "M-might as well be you as anybody, Sam," said Jethro, as he drove on.

"We'll git one. Might app'int Will, there, only he don't seem to want to get mixed up in it." "There's the agent," cried the judge, holding out the appointment to Jethro. "Wh-what?" ejaculated Lem. Jethro took the appointment, and put it in his cowhide wallet. "Be you the agent?" demanded the amazed stage driver.

Under the law it's my duty, in sech a case ez this here one is, to app'int a member of the bar to serve durin' the proceedin's ez your guardian ad litem. "You don't need to be startled," he added, as O'Day flinched at the sound in his ears of these strange and fearsome words. "A guardian ad litem is simply a lawyer that tends to your affairs till the case is settled one way or the other.

"'And when did you change your mind? says he." Then he laughed a little not much but he laughed a little. "'I understand that your old soldier lives within the limits of the delivery of the Brampton office, said he." "'That's correct, Mr. President, said I." "'Well, said he, 'I will app'int him postmaster at Brampton, Mr. Bass." "'When? said I." Then he laughed a little more.

Under the law it's my duty, in sech a case ez this here one is, to app'int a member of the bar to serve durin' the proceedin's ez your guardian ad litem. "You don't need to be startled," he added as O'Day flinched at the sound in his ears of these strange and fearsome words. "A guardian ad litem is simply a lawyer that tends to your affairs till the case is settled one way or the other.

"'And when did you change your mind? says he." Then he laughed a little not much but he laughed a little. "'I understand that your old soldier lives within the limits of the delivery of the Brampton office, said he." "'That's correct, Mr. President, said I." "'Well, said he, 'I will app'int him postmaster at Brampton, Mr. Bass." "'When? said I." Then he laughed a little more.

He sets by himself these evenings after the little gal has gone to bed, smoking his pipe, without any light in his shanty, and thinking hard." Wade smoked thoughtfully a minute and then remarked: "I wonder whether it wouldn't be a good idee to app'int a committee to wait on Dawson and ask him what the blazes is the matter and whether we can't do nothin' to make a man of him agin."

Means, speaking as the principal school trustee, "I 'low our friend the Square is jest the man to boss this 'ere consarn to-night. Ef nobody objects, I'll app'int him. Come, Square, don't be bashful. Walk up to the trough, fodder or no fodder, as the man said to his donkey."

An' I app'int the camp o' Rough an' Ready, here assembled, as a committee of the whole to see that you do git. Don't you stop till you're so far you'll never come back. But fust shell out those dockyments, and be quick." "Look here. I " attempted the long-nosed man; but he was interrupted. "Shell 'em out!" roared red-shirt, advancing a step. Without a word Mr.

Who has charge of the highways? Jethro Bass, Chairman of the Selectmen. I've spoke to him, time and agin, about that piece, and he hain't done nothin'. To-night I go to Harwich and git the court to app'int an agent to repair that road, and the town'll hev to pay the bill."