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Though this gives a colour of consistency to his conduct, it is not satisfactory as an explanation, and still less as an apology. General La Marmora, who had always opposed the Convention, though he belonged to the party which made it, once declared that 200,000 men would not be sufficient to hold the Papal frontier against a guerilla invasion.

EDINBURGH, Feb. 5th, 1787. REVEREND AND DEAR SIR, When I look at the date of your kind letter, my heart reproaches me severely with ingratitude in neglecting so long to answer it. I will not trouble you with any account, by way of apology, of my hurried life and distracted attention: do me the justice to believe that my delay by no means proceeded from want of respect.

"Come in," stammered Dame Brinker, hastily trying to hide the watch in her bosom. "Oh, is it you, mynheer! Good day! The father is nearly well, as you see. It's a poor place to greet you in, mynheer, and the dinner not cleared away." Dr. Boekman scarcely noticed the dame's apology. He was evidently in haste. "Ahem!" he exclaimed. "Not needed here, I perceive. The patient is mending fast."

Then came a real apology for interfering with Jane's plans, to which we listened aghast, and Margaret was actually getting up to go and look after her amphibious offspring herself, when her daughter cut her off short with, "Nonsense, mamma, you know you are not to do any such thing! I must go, that's all, or they won't have a decent boot or stocking left among them."

March's apology for being on her way home, he told her that she was lucky not to have gone to Schevleningen, where she and March would have frozen to death. He said that they were going to spend September at a little place on the English coast, near by, where he had been the day before with Rose to look at lodgings, and where you could bathe all through the month.

An aged woman in rusty black, who late in the proceedings had timidly adventured a little way into the crowd, stood there lost and wondering. She had peered about during the last part of Miss Blunt's speech with faded incredulous eyes, listened to a sentence or two, and then, turning with a pathetic little nervous laugh of apology, consulted the faces of the Lords of Creation.

The train of thought so long nursed by the abstruse and solitary Dane was, perhaps, a better apology for the weakness of credulity, than the youth and wandering fancy of the Englishman. But the scene around not alluring to the one fed to overflowing the romantic aspirations of the other. The Englishman remained at Rome, with slight intervals of absence, for nearly three years.

"With this general plan for conducting our literary festival, I will leave the subject with you for consideration at the proper time. "I feel conscious that under the circumstances, I owe you an apology for having so trespassed upon your patience and good nature, by the length of my remarks.

"The old ranch," says he, "is going to be fixed up sometime some of my heirs and executors'll get a hold of that. It's easy to get plenty of heirs if you have twelve or fifty million dollars. I've left instructions to make improvements out there. It'll sort of be the best apology I can make to the woman that's buried out there Gawd bless her! as good a woman as ever lived on earth.

She told me she had been disturbed, the night before, by the snoring of the parrot, two rooms away. As a result, she left me feeling that the apology really ought to come from me." "Is that the way of the race?" Weldon queried, as he set down his empty cup. "If so, you make me tremble." "Why?" "Because, without in the least intending it, I have accumulated a boy." She looked up suddenly.