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In these days the poor old man would wander about the rooms, shambling from one chamber to another, and would feel ashamed when the servants met him ever on the move. He would make little apologies for his uneasiness, which they would accept graciously, understanding, after a fashion, why it was that he was uneasy.

"You forget, my dear count," I told him, "that I don't understand a word of what you have been saying." The count reviled himself, and plunged into apologies so fluent as to be only half intelligible. "This gentleman," he said, indicating the shaggy melodramatist, "has but now arrived by the morning train from Paris. The hour is here at last.

I give here the substance of the letter which was to be made public: Because you know how much I have suffered physically while on board this ship, and because you have been kind to me, I wish, through you, to say my last word to the world: though, indeed, this may seem a strange form for gratitude to take. Dying men, however, make few apologies, and I shall make none.

That people looked for originals to his general descriptions and found them, was natural; that individuals complained of him, followed from the above; his lengthy apologies that his satire is not personal, prove the spite it provoked. Some of his letters crown him at once as a man and an author.

He mentioned your mother this morning; no doubt she will know how to manage him." "My mother died six months ago," said Derrick, pushing back his chair and beginning to pace the room. The doctor made kindly apologies. "Perhaps you have a sister, who could go to him?" "No," replied Derrick. "My only sister is married, and her husband would never allow it."

Every day of our lives does not some friend or other ask us to make his apologies, without fail, to some woman to whom he has been prevented from writing; and do not we forget to do so, feeling that this woman cannot attach much importance to a silence which has none for ourselves?

Lander fastened a huge bunch of sweet peas to her coat and kissed her cheek. Sheila bade innumerable good-byes, expressed innumerable thanks. For Hilliard's absence Rusty offered its apologies. They said that he had been much entertained and, after the hurt he had suffered to his wrist, late sleep was a necessity. Sheila understood.

But after having travelled day and a half through a country diversified with forest, prairie, and mountain, they became satisfied that the Indians were deceiving them, and charged them with it. They confessed the deception, made some lame apologies for it, and confessed that their village was still at the distance of three days' journey.

Honoria, for instance, was always practising, and she would take poor me to rehearse her accomplishment upon; or the exciseman, when he came his rounds, or the steward, or the poor curate, or the young apothecary's lad from Brady's Town: whom I recollect beating once for that very reason. If he is alive now I make him my apologies.

She held the infant on her strong arm as he struggled to throw himself, with wide-stretched jaws, upon her bosom; and might have been devoured by the wicked bruiser had not his attention been diverted by the entrance of Mary, who came in at last, all in fragrant white, with apologies for keeping the Doctor waiting. He looked down into her uplifted eyes. What a riddle is woman!