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"Ever glad to see thee, dear Ralph," answered the old lady, trying, not without difficulty, to rise, till the young man springing forward quietly made her sit down again. "In spiritual health I am well the Lord be praised for all His mercies; but bodily infirmities creep on apace with old age, and remind me that my earthly course is well-nigh run."

The noon came on apace, the shadows shortened, and everything grew silent; over forest and river a restful stillness settled down. If the Last Chance would always look like that it would be almost habitable. Had it been placed in any country where there were men, it would be considered beautiful just now.

The seeds were sown and grew apace; the bulbs and roots throve; the vines began to clamber over the support of a rude bower of saplings built above the door; and soon when Odalie sat here beside her spinning-wheel, in her white linen dress with its broad collar of her own hand-wrought lace, to enjoy the cool air from the mountains, and the color of the red sunset on the river, she had a canopy of vines above her head, and between her upward glance and the sky, a blooming rose, faintly pink, and a bird's nest with four blue eggs.

Henry Pym, noting the obvious intention of the officer not to place much of his own time at their disposal, looked quietly into the resolute face, and felt his interest growing apace.

From a frying-pan the same substances, much thicker, sent up a savoury steam under the name of richeau. There was not much conversation among us at the commencement of the meal, as we sat round the camp-fire, but when appetite was appeased muttered remarks were interchanged, and when tobacco-pipes came out, our tongues, set free from food, began to wag apace.

We wished it often, indeed, that day while the wind blustered yet more wildly out of the north and the waves tumbled aboard our staggering little craft and the night came apace over the sea and we have wished it often since that old time, have Jacky and I, God knows!

Finally, these evening romps got to be a regular part of the farm-life, as much enjoyed by the master, as by the cub. When May came, and it was warmer, so that the doors leading to the wood-shed and the porch were left open, the little bear's world grew apace. Before, his horizon had been the four walls of the kitchen; now he could go and come as he pleased, about the yard and in the outbuildings.

"Have my coat-sleeve, Bessie," suggested Harry, and they both laughed, then became quiet, then merry. About two miles out of Hampton the travellers overtook little Christie making the road fly behind him as he marched apace, a knapsack at his back and his chin in the air. "Whither away so fast, young man?" shouted the doctor, hailing him.

And therewith he sang a lay on his new love, which ran in the following manner: "They ride over hill and dale apace To seek for their love the fairest face They search through city and forest-glade To find for their love the gentlest maid They climb wherever a path may lead To seek the wisest dame for their meed.

That was the final stroke to the picturesqueness and the romance of river life. The volume of freight carried still grows apace, but the glory of Mississippi steamboat life is gone forever.