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When a lawyer says anythin' 's so to me, I never take no time to disbelieve him 'cause 'f he wa'n't able to prove the truth o' his own lyin' he 'd never get to be in the law a tall. On the other hand, though, I don't trust him none, even if I ain't a mite o' doubt as to what he says.

"Did your uncle Al ever write anythin' about a man named Beasley?" asked Dale. "Indeed he did," replied Helen, with a start of surprise. "Beasley! That name is familiar to us and detestable. My uncle complained of this man for years. Then he grew bitter accused Beasley. But the last year or so not a word!" "Well, now," began the hunter, earnestly, "let's get the bad news over.

Discoorsin' together they'll be of all the news, and as like as not he or it might be she 'ill say to her 'I seen Con the Quare One goin' the road a while back, and he wid ne'er a thraneen of anythin' in his hat, good or bad; the same way the other boys are; lookin' rael dacint and sinsible. Belike she might be axin' after me herself, and that 'ud put it in the other body's head.

"How do you know it, Mary? It's mighty hard to know anythin' on earth. How d'you know?" "Because I know," said Mary. "'Twon't convince no jury." Mary stood in silence for a moment, and then turned away, not tearful, not despairing. "Hold your hosses," said Scattergood. "Kin you think of anythin' that might convince a stranger that Abner is innocent?" Mary considered. "Asa was shot," she said.

Well, I can sy this I've done my duty by the girl, an' she's never learnt anythin' but good from me. Of course I ain't always been in wot yer might call flourishing circumstances, but I've always set her a good example, as she could tell yer so 'erself if she wasn't speechless. Mrs. Kemp paused for a moment's reflection.

"If there's anythin' doin', I'm up against it here," he muttered to himself. "What's Lauzanne's price?" he asked, in an indifferent voice, for the bookmaker's assistant was busy changing the figures on his list. Faust pretended not to hear him. "Sure thing!" whispered Lewis to himself. Then aloud he repeated the question, touching the bookmaker on the elbow. The Cherub smiled blandly.

It was awful! Which, of coarse, we comes to the rescoo. Red Dog's our foe; but thar be c'lamities, son, which leaves no room in the hooman heart for anythin' but pity. An' this is one. Wolfville rolls out the needed nose-paint for Red Dog, desolated as I says, an' holds the fraternal glass to the Red Dog lips till its freighters brings relief from Tucson.

It's butter, an' you need to use it sort o' mean. That's how I found, I guess." "I suppose you settled down, and things went all right, though?" suggested Tresler. "Wal, maybe that's so. Guess if anythin' wus wrong it wus me. Yer see, ther' ain't a heap o' fellers rightly understands females. I'm most gener'ly patient. Knowin' their weakness, I sez, 'Arizona, you're mud when wimmin gits around.

Elliot's had fever; he's all right now," she threw out. "It wasn't anythin' she caught on the expedition. What's it matter a few days' fever? My brother had fever for twenty-six days once. And in a week or two he was up and about. We gave him nothin' but milk and arrowroot " Here Mrs. Chailey came in with a message. "I'm wanted upstairs," said Terence. "You see she'll be better," Mrs.

But yer woodent shew me no mercy, an' I can't think of anythin' different. I did love yer an' the childer, but the drink got holt of me. Yer mus' see as Arthur is rapped up, an' Edie's eyes 'ull 'ave to be seen to now an' agen. I'm sorry, but there's nothin' else. I wud like yer to kiss me onst, when they bring me in, and jes say, Bessie, I forgive yer.