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"That's true, but if you're attacked you must fight. Anyhow, on this particular occasion we attacked the Confederate ironclad ram Albemarle, and sent her to the bottom. I had volunteered for the duty with some other men from the squadron, and we started in a steam-launch under Lieutenant Cushing.

We're just about taking her to the flat to identify the Grayson woman. Would you like to come along?" he added in a spirit of bravado. "I think you are a material witness in the Stacy case, anyhow." Constance felt bitterly her defeat. Still she went with them. There was always a chance that something might turn up.

Hiram's energy diverted these evils: he did not choose that his kingdom should be dismembered, if he could anyhow help it; and, offering a firm and strenuous opposition to the revolt, he succeeded in crushing it, and maintaining the unity of the empire.

That is, the last that has inherited any of the beauty one is always hearing about from the old beaux. And most of them have gone under anyhow in the cheerful California fashion: three generations from shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves.

'She shall see a better day, my lad, when thy name and William's is painted over t' shop-door, and J. and J. Foster blacked out. 'Nay, master, said William, 'that mun never be. I'd a'most sooner not come in for the business. Anyhow, it must be 'late J. and J. Foster, and I'm not sure as I can stomach that.

But the ledge on which we were overhung the side of the house, and the pipe began under it, just below where we stood. "We must try, anyhow," said Jack, desperately. "I'll go first; catch hold of my hands, Fred." And he was actually going to attempt to scramble over and round under the ledge, when he suddenly paused, and cried, "Hold hard. I do believe this bit of ledge is loose!" So it was.

Of course, he had never washed a shirt in his life, and couldn't if he tried and, anyhow, he wasn't going to begin; but he thought: 'When I get safely home to Toad Hall, and have money again, and pockets to put it in, I will send the engine-driver enough to pay for quite a quantity of washing, and that will be the same thing, or better.

There is in the end only the original Gorman with his single head. "Anyhow," said Gorman, "I'm keeping in with Mrs. Ascher." He winked at me as he said this. I like Gorman's way of adding explanatory winks to his remarks. I should frequently miss the meaning, the full meaning of what he says if he did not help out his words with these expressive winks.

Was there ever anything in Italy, I should like to know, like a Boston sunset? This time there was a laugh, and the little man himself almost smiled. Yes, Boston sunsets; perhaps they're as good in some other places, but I know 'em best here. Anyhow, the American skies are different from anything they see in the Old World.

And Holmes grabbed me by the shoulder so sharply that the book fell out of my hands. "You don't need to throw a fit about it, anyhow," I grumbled, as I hastened to accompany him out of the castle and down the somewhat dusty road to the village of Hedge-gutheridge.