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Still, in Canada we have our own notions as to what is fitting, and that I consider it perfectly natural that I should do so is quite sufficient for me. I do not defer to anybody's opinion as to how I should treat my friends. Now, unless you have any more convincing excuses, you may tell me about the search for the mine."

Earl Gray, giving off perfume to the hot winds, was pursuing his complaint. "The undertaker's packin' up to leave, goin' to ship his stock today. I wish I could go with him, but a man's got to have a place to light before he starts out with a drug stock." "I don't suppose anybody's sorry to see him go," Morgan said. "I think it's a good sign."

"You did give me a turn; that's so," replied Miss Saidie, as she wiped the moisture from her crimson face. "It's been so long since anybody's come here that Malindy she's the only servant we've got now was actually afraid to answer your knock. Then when I came in and saw you standing by the door, I declare it almost took my breath clean away.

I'll back Carrie's marking against anybody's. While I was drying them at the fire, and Carrie was rebuking me for scorching them, Cummings came in. He seemed quite well again, and chaffed us about marking the collars. I asked him if he had heard from Gowing, and he replied that he had not. I said I should not have believed that Gowing could have acted in such an ungentlemanly manner.

Why, those thirteen eggs were absolutely all we had over after Mrs. Beale had taken what she wanted for the kitchen. As a matter of fact, if it's anybody's fault, it's Mrs. Beale's. That woman literally eats eggs." "The habit is not confined to her," I said. "Well, what I mean to say is, she seems to bathe in them." "She says she needs so many for puddings, dear," said Mrs. Ukridge.

She, too, was proud, but her pride was of another, if not of a less innocent cast; she was proud of her own position; but it was as Fanny Wyndham, not as Lord Cashel's niece, or anybody's daughter. She had been brought out in the fashionable world, and liked, and was liked by, it; but she felt that she owed the character which three years had given her, to herself, and not to those around her.

She was looking along the serried ranks of youth and beauty to see if anybody's frock was smarter than her own. No. She could see nothing she liked so well as her brown satin and buttercups. She sat down in a perfectly contented frame of mind, pleased with herself and with Seraphine pleased even with Mr. Smithson, who had shown himself devoted by his patient attendance upon the empty chairs.

"If I wasn't afraid of spraining a toe I'd boot you from here to hackenny, you old two-legged cook-stove!" "If there has been damage done, I'll pay for it." "There isn't any damage and I'm not looking for anybody's money. But there will be damage unless you get out of this highway.

To feel pity, moreover, was to show herself anybody's equal in heart; Jack's accusations rankled. Yes; considering all things, and in spite of the things that, she must always suspect, were hidden, her mother had behaved extremely well. "And above all," Imogen thought, summing it up in terms at once generous and apt, "she has behaved like the gentlewoman that she is.

As James Beattie's college days drew on to an end he became more and more exercised about his mental deficiencies, and still more about his spiritual unfitness to be anybody's minister.