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He admits some of the charges brought against the Jews by anti-Semites, but Jewish failings result from Christian intolerance. In a land of their own they will develop into a Muster-nation, a model people. The wretches cries he they mock the eagle that once soared sky-high, and saw divinity itself, because he can no longer fly after his wings are broken!

So at one in spirit and ideals were the Englishman and the Jew whose Scriptures he had imbibed, that it was no accident that the Anglophobes of Europe were also Anti-Semites. And then the congregation rose, while the preacher behind the folds of the Union Jack read out the names of the Jews who had died for England in the far-off veldt.

Perhaps we shall have to fight first of all against many an evil-disposed, narrow-hearted, short-sighted member of our own race. Again, people will say that I am furnishing the Anti-Semites with weapons. Why so? Because I admit the truth? Because I do not maintain that there are none but excellent men against us? Will not people say that I am showing our enemies the way to injure us?

The Jewish families which regild the old nobility with their money become gradually absorbed. A previous acquisition of power could be synonymous with that economic supremacy which Jews are already erroneously declared to possess. And if the power they now possess creates rage and indignation among the Anti-Semites, what outbreaks would such an increase of power create?

It is significant that Tacitus, who wrote his history some few years after the defense of Josephus was published, repeated with added virulence the fables which the Jewish writer had refuted. The charges of anti-Semites have in every age borne a charmed life: they are hydra-headed, and can be refuted, not by literature, but by life.

Sir Asher glared at the bold questioner. 'That seems a worse waste of breath, added Barstein drily. 'I said you were a mocker, said Sir Asher severely. 'It is a Divine event I pray for not the creation of a Ghetto. 'A Ghetto! Barstein groaned in sheer hopelessness. 'Yes, you're an anti-Semite too like your daughter, like your son, like all of us. We're all anti-Semites. 'I an anti-Semite!

There were always anti-Semites spoiling for a fight at Alexandria, and there was always inflammable material which they could stir up.

God had again preserved his people, and discomfited their foes; recently-discovered papyri have revealed that the arch anti-Semites, Isidorus and Lampon, were tried at Rome and executed. Claudius was well-disposed to the Jewish race, and before the final storm there was a calm.

As a matter of fact, he was a Napoleonite not so much from patriotism as from a romantic interest and a platonic love of action. However, he was a good patriot, and much more attached to France than many an actual Frenchman. The French anti-Semites are stupid and actively mischievous in casting their insulting suspicions on the feeling for France of the Jews who have settled in the country.

But you Zionists are less citizens than strangers, and if you were logical, you would all 'Where's your own logic? interrupted the disconnected man. 'Why don't you join the P.P.N. at once? The Progressive Pole frowned. 'The Nationalists! They are anti-Semites. I'd as soon join the League of True Russian Men. 'And do you trust the P.P.P.? his companion asked him.