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While Lord Roos, half distracted, was considering what means he could adopt for her restoration, a man, with an almost tawny complexion, hair and eyes to match, and habited in the young nobleman's livery of crimson and white, suddenly entered from the ante-chamber. "How dare you come in unsummoned, Diego?" cried Lord Roos, furiously. "Begone instantly, sirrah!".

Then the captain re-entered, followed by his two men, and Gian Maria waved a hand towards the prisoner. "Take him away," he muttered harshly, his face ghastly, and passion shaking him like an aspen. "Take him away, and await my orders in the ante-chamber." "If it is farewell, Cousin," said Francesco, "may I hope that you will send a priest to me? I have lived a faithful Christian."

He had himself superintended all the arrangements, among which was a bath-room. Bonaparte was satisfied with everything, and the Admiral seemed highly pleased. He had anticipated petulance and disdain, but Napoleon manifested perfect good-humour. The entrance to the house was through a room which had been just built to answer the double purpose of an ante-chamber and a dining-room.

When they got to the ante-chamber, the Negro cried out, "By Heaven, here comes the Duke!" and slipped back into the hall. A tall black mask walked fiercely up to Philip, and said: "Stay a moment, sir; I've a word or two to say to you; I've been seeking for you long." "Quick, then," said Philip, "for I have no time to lose."

About a fortnight ago, Sir James Hall, an English gentleman, on his way from Paris to Cherbourg, stopped his coach at our door, and came up to my chamber. I was in bed at six o'clock in the morning, but having flung on my robe de chambre, I met him at the door of the ante-chamber. I was glad to see him, but surprised.

There was a great press of people in M. de Villefort's ante-chamber, but Madame Danglars had no occasion even to pronounce her name. The instant she appeared the door-keeper rose, came to her, and asked her whether she was not the person with whom the procureur had made an appointment; and on her affirmative answer being given, he conducted her by a private passage to M. de Villefort's office.

Meantime he had been expressly informed that he was to say nothing to the Advocate in secret, and that his master was not to speak to him in a low tone nor whisper in his ear. When the Advocate came out into the ante-chamber and looking over his shoulder saw the two soldiers he at once lowered his voice. "Hush-speak low," he whispered; "this is too cruel."

He went striding through the room where the Ward Leader bawled at a telephone directing that the aeropile should be put upon the guides. The man in yellow glanced at Helen's still figure, hesitated and hurried after him. Graham did not once look back, he did not speak until the curtain of the ante-chamber of the great hall fell behind him.

After that a crowbar would break open the door. Madame Belhomme's heavy footsteps were heard crossing the ante-chamber. Armand still knelt at Jeanne's feet, holding her trembling little hand in his. "A love-scene," she whispered rapidly, "a love-scene quick do you know one?" And even as he had tried to rise she held him hack, down on his knees. He thought that fear was making her distracted.

It came too late, however, for in the mean time he and M. de Rosny had repaired to the closet, and the others had withdrawn; and while I stood hesitating, Antoine slipped out of the ante-chamber, and came to me on the stairs.