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Several meetings having taken place at Adelaide of persons interested in the discovery of an overland route to Western Australia, and it being the general opinion of those meetings that such an enterprise would very greatly benefit the colonists of Eastern, Southern, and Western Australia, it was determined to open subscriptions for the furtherance of this most desirable object under the direction of the following Committee: G. A. Anstey, Esq.

He also learned that he must not address any superior officer unless first addressed by him. Bert also picked up rapidly the knowledge that he was no better than anyone else, and of not a thousandth part of the importance of any upper class man. Much of this the young man picked up from his new roommate, Tom Anstey, a soft-eyed, soft-voiced, helpful and sunny young man from Virginia.

Dick's heart bounded with pleasure. It was an honor that could come to but one man in the first class, and he was greatly delighted that it should have fallen to him. "Mr. Holmes will command the first troop, and Mr. Anstey the second," continued the commandant of cadets, who then rattled off the names of the cadets who would act as subalterns in the squadron.

"I thought you might like to hear," Anstey said, in sorrow-muffled voice; and she nodded her head for him to go on. "He talked of you nearly all the way," he began. "He said how " She stopped him. "Not that," she said, "not yet. The other the other!" By some instinct he knew what she meant. "It was going down the Wenderling Hill," he said, "just as we got into the town.

"I think not," replied the judge. "What do you say, Mr. Anstey?" "No objection whatever, my lord," answered Anstey. Mr.

Though Anstey dwelt upon this side of the case with consummate oratory, the defence was regarded as "too transparent." Anstey's good faith was not questioned, but Prescott's was. In the turmoil the office of class president was declared vacant. Anstey was nominated for the office just made vacant, but, with cold politeness, he refused what, at any other time, would have been a high honor.

I learned afterward that for some time before the child took the fever she had been ailing and ill. It was such a strange life. Thinking over it afterward, it seemed to me more like romance than reality. A year passed before the dream of my life was fulfilled and Agatha came to Crown Anstey. I need not to say how happy we were.

"She'd set the 'ouse afire in a minute, she's that forward with the matches. Ain't you, Maudie dear?" "Has Dr. Dallas seen her?" "Not yet, my lady." "He must. You can't get away, of course. M-m! My idiotic maid is coming in for her teeth to-morrow at twelve. She shall pick her up at Gale Anstey, isn't it? at eleven." "Yes. Thank you very much, my lady."

She asked where Coralie would be, and I told her that when she returned from the visit she was paying she would remain at Crown Anstey. There was not a dry eye among the servants when my sister was carried from the home where she had been so happy.

But Anstey, who was the senior Bachelor of the year, and to whose lot it therefore fell first to deliver this obnoxious declamation, contrived to frame it in such a manner, as to cast a ridicule on the whole proceeding.