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"Moreland & Paine." The letter fell from my hands and I looked at it in blank astonishment too great for words. Sir Barnard Trevelyan! Crown Anstey! Why, the last time I ever heard those names my mother sat talking to me about this proud, stately cousin of my father cousin who had never noticed either him or us by word or by look. I was curious, and asked many questions about him.

"Hullo, you raw-looking rookies," hailed Dodge, halting and looking in through the doorway. "Come in here a minute, Dodge," urged Anstey. For an instant Dodge looked suspicious. Then he muttered: "As you're not yearlings, I accept the invitation." Very spick and span Dodge looked as he entered the tent.

Lady Thesiger was the first to speak. "We shall be delighted to do all that lies in our power to soften Miss Trevelyan's terrible affliction. Pray, pardon me, Sir Edgar, but is Mademoiselle d'Aubergne still at Crown Anstey?" "She is staying there as a companion to my sister, who is utterly incapable of taking any share in the management of the house." "You must find a wife," said Sir John.

"I should say myself that Crown Anstey requires a mistress." I longed to say there and then how I should pray him to give me his daughter for a wife. Our eyes met. She must have read my thoughts, for her face grew crimson, nor did I catch another glimpse of those lovely eyes during my visit. It was with difficulty I could tear myself away.

Do you remember, suh, and fellow classmen, the wild enthusiasm that prevailed when we, by our suffrages, had declared Mr. Prescott to be our ideal of the man to lead the class in all the paths of honor?" Anstey paused for an instant.

So long as we have false standards of gentility I suppose the sight of a shrimp in conjunction with the tea-pot will cause us to shrivel up. But I'll guarantee that neither Mrs. Anstey nor Miss Lynn turned a hair at the sight." "Rather not!

Then Durville and others made heated addresses in which they declared that Prescott could no longer consistently retain the class presidency. A motion was made that Prescott be called upon to resign. It was seconded by several first classmen. Then Anstey, the Virginian, claimed the floor in behalf of the humiliated class president.

The man I would nominate, sir, will, to my mind, lead this class as no class has been led at the Military Academy within the last generation or two." Mr. Anstey paused, glancing at the faces in front. "Name him!" "Yes! Name him!" "Mr.

"Yes, I remember it," she said. "I had almost forgotten." "He is dead, and, sad to say, both his sons are dead. One died with him, and one died years ago. Now do you understand?" "No," she replied. "They cannot have left us anything, because they did not know us." "Sir Barnard and his only son died together, and the heir to Crown Anstey, the title and the whole of that vast fortune is myself."

As soon as twenty men were collected on the wall, Charlie took the command of these, and hurried forward towards the gate. Hallowes was to lead the next party along the opposite direction. Peters was to form the rest up, as they gained the wall, and to follow Charlie with fifty more; while Anstey was to hold the remainder in reserve, to be used as circumstances might demand.