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She wrote, announcing her intended change of condition, and regretting that Dr Plausible's affairs, requiring his immediate presence in England, would prevent her having the delight of embracing one, who was so entwined round her heart.

They had farther added, that as soon as they had been sent off from the side of the ship, the mutineers hoisted the black flag, with three cheers, announcing that they intended to turn pirates and attack ships of all nations. From their account, there remained no doubt that the Juno was the ship which had lately engaged the Dolphin, and met with so awful, though well-deserved a fate.

There d'Estaing again tarried for two days, which were diligently improved by the British Admiral, who at the same time sent off despatches to warn Byron, of whose coming he now had heard. Despite all his energy, his preparations still were far from complete, when on the morning of the 11th a third vessel arrived, announcing that the French were approaching.

Long before this Fergus had received a reply, from his mother, to his letter announcing the glad news of the restoration of the estate: "It will be doubly dear to me," she said, "as having been won back by your own exertions and bravery.

As I write, the daily journals are announcing the brilliant success of experiments in this direction; yet I unhesitatingly maintain that sound cannot make rain, and propose to adduce all necessary proof of my thesis. The nature of sound is fully understood, and so are the conditions under which the aqueous vapor in the atmosphere may be condensed. Let us see how the case stands.

Serah was still alive at Moses' return, and the elders betook themselves to her, and told her the words of Moses announcing the redemption. When she heard that his words had been the same as those Asher had quoted, she knew that he was the promised redeemer, and all the people believed in him.

True, the captain contrived to get in a parting shot by announcing that Rosalind was likely to return shortly to Maxfield. But even that did not suffice to change the lad's purpose. "Don't be very long away," said Jill to Mr Armstrong. "You are always going and leaving us. Rosalind will be very, very sorry to find you are away.

In this extremity she decided to make her father her confidant; and she wrote him a note announcing her coming. She wished her father to compel Lacheneur to leave the country. This would be an easy matter for him, since he was armed with discretionary authority at an epoch when lukewarm devotion afforded an abundant excuse for sending a man into exile.

When he reported, he asked if any further reports had come in, and was told that a messenger had just arrived with dispatches announcing that Boutler had moved on City Point, capturing it; that Sherwood expected to attack Jones at Rocky Head on that day. Silent then went to bed and slept soundly. "The next morning there was no enemy in sight. Gen.

Tinkler, telegraph-operator of the cipher telegrams at Washington, in the Executive residence, took the despatch announcing the nomination of Andrew Jackson, of Tennessee, to the vice-presidency with Lincoln for the second term. The latter read it carefully, and thought aloud: "Well, I thought possibly that he might be the man; but " He passed out of the office, leaving the hearer impressed.