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Annixter, instantly killed, fell his length to the ground, and lay without movement, just as he had fallen, one arm across his face. On their way to Derrick's ranch house, Hilma and Mrs. Derrick heard the sounds of distant firing. "Stop!" cried Hilma, laying her hand upon young Vacca's arm. "Stop the horses. Listen, what was that?"

The matter dragged along from year to year, was forgotten for months together, being only brought to mind on such occasions as this, when the rumour spread that the General Office was about to take definite action in the affair. "As soon as the railroad wants to talk business with me," observed Annixter, "about selling me their interest in Quien Sabe, I'm ready.

Annixter was smitten with uneasiness. No doubt this "promenading" was not at all to her taste. Wondering what kind of a spectacle he was about to make of himself, he exclaimed: "Want to dance now?" "Oh, yes!" she returned. They paused in their walk, and Hilma, facing him, gave herself into his arms. Annixter shut his teeth, the perspiration starting from his forehead.

Annixter read the note, Harran and Presley looking over his shoulder. "Ah, it's them, is it," exclaimed Annixter. Harran set his teeth. "Now for it," he exclaimed. "They've been to your place already, Mr. Annixter," said Vanamee. "I passed by it on my way up. They have put Delaney in possession, and have set all your furniture out in the road." Annixter turned about, his lips white.

Hilma took them both, the little child and the broken-down old woman, in the great embrace of her strong arms, and they all three sobbed together. Annixter stood on the porch outside, his back turned, looking straight before him into the wilderness of dead vines, his teeth shut hard, his lower lip thrust out. "I hope S. Behrman is satisfied with all this," he muttered.

The time will come when the State will be proud of him." As Harran turned the team into the driveway that led up to Annixter's house, Magnus remarked: "Harran, isn't that young Annixter himself on the porch?" Harran nodded and remarked: "By the way, Governor, I wouldn't seem too cordial in your invitation to Annixter.

The door of the room to which Annixter had been assigned opened with a violent wrench and an angry voice exclaimed to anybody who would listen: "Oh, yes, funny, isn't it? In a way, it's funny, and then, again, in a way it isn't." The door banged to so that all the windows of the house rattled in their frames.

"I was to blame for forgetting it. Don't bother about it. I'll come over some of these days and get it myself." Annixter hung up the transmitter with a vehement wrench and stamped out of the room, banging the door. He found his rubber coat hanging in the hallway and swung into it with a fierce movement of the shoulders that all but started the seams. Everything seemed to conspire to thwart him.

The conference of the committee with the lawyers took place in a front room of the Yosemite, one of the latter bringing with him his clerk, who made a stenographic report of the proceedings and took carbon copies of all letters written. The conference was long and complicated, the business transacted of the utmost moment, and it was not until two o'clock that Annixter found himself at liberty.

Between Annixter and Hilma's parents, a reconciliation had been effected, Annixter convincing them both of his sincerity in wishing to make Hilma his wife. Hilma, however, refused to see him. As soon as she knew he had followed her to San Francisco she had been unwilling to return to the hotel and had arranged with her cousin to spend an indefinite time at her house.