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Munger are old friends." The young fellow bowed silently, and Annie instantly took a dislike to him, his heavy jaw, long eyes, and low forehead almost hidden under a thick bang. He sat down cornerwise on a chair, and listened, with a scornful thrust of his thick lips, to their talk. Mrs. Munger was not abashed by him.

You can read it though if you wish, Annie. I doubt if you understand the wickedness anyway, and I don't want you to grow up straight-laced like Harriet and Susan. It is really a misfortune. They lose a lot." Then Annie spoke. "I shall not be an old maid, I think," said she. "I am going to be married." "Married! Who is going to marry you?

It was difficult for them to get their minds quite right about it, especially the first pair, to whom it was a matter of unasked question just how much help Ham had given Dab in capturing the marauder. Mr. Foster himself got a little excited about it, when he came home; but poor Annie was a good deal more troubled than pleased. "O mother!" she exclaimed.

If they were girls, he said we ought to call them Flora and Dora, or Annie and Fanny, or maybe Susie and Floozie. He was always kidding about it. You know?" "I know," said the doctor. "And then, when they were identical boys, he was very sensible about it. 'We'll call them Martin and Bartholomew, he said.

We've made 'em raise wages time and again, haven't we? I tell you, freedom's coming to its own." Cleveland! Mary Warren pricked up her ears. She had reason; for now the voice went on, mentioning a name which Annie Squires had made familiar Dorenwald, Charlie Dorenwald, the foreman in the rolling rooms! "Charlie Dorenwald's the head of that bunch. He's a good man.

And so saying he seated her on the shavings, and half-buried her with an armful more to keep her warm. "Put to the door, Willie," he added. "She'll be cauld. She's no workin', ye see." Whereupon Willie shut the door, and Annie found herself very comfortable indeed.

Colborn gave him sixpence; and he gave Annie a great many kisses, declaring, with uncommon thoughtlessness, that whatever she did was right, and that she could give the king all his house, and Australia to boot. Whereon King Billy smiled a smile that was portentous, and showed his teeth to the uttermost recesses of his ample mouth.

Then he saw Hunting, to whom he bowed with his old, distant manner, and Hunting returned the acknowledgment in the most stiff and formal way. "Do you know," said Annie, "I have been watching you with curiosity for some time past, though I did not know who you were till you turned.

Annie followed him to the door, and said, "Doctor, I don't like the expression of your face." "Well, Miss Annie," said the doctor, discontentedly, "I've a difficult task on my hands, in trying to cure two patients that make no effort to live. Your father seems homesick for heaven, and mere drugs can't rouse Mr. Gregory out of his morbid, gloomy apathy.

The lost is found. Oh, my pretty Annie, we forgot to tell your mother of our ramble, and she is in despair and has sent the town-crier to bellow up and down the streets, affrighting old and young, for the loss of a little girl who has not once let go my hand?