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Throwing myself back on the cowskin, I asked Doña Anita how long Enrique had been gone in quest of my horse, and was informed that he left before dawn, not even waiting for his customary cup of coffee. With the kindness of a sister, the girl wife urged me to take their bed; but I assured her that comfort was the least of my concerns, complete effacement being my consuming thought.

Surely not Herbert himself, and yet oh! why will they not let sleeping dogs lie; why must that old scandal, that one stain on Pennington Lawton's past have been brought again to light, and at such a time? I pray God that Anita never mentions it to anyone else, never learns the truth. By Jove, if any complications arise from this, there will be only one thing for me to do.

"We must be married to-night. No more uncertainty and indecision and weakness. Let us begin bravely, Anita!" "To-morrow," she said. "But not to-night. I must think it over." "To-night," I repeated. "To-morrow will be full of its own problems. This is to-night's." She shook her head, and I saw that the struggle between us had begun the struggle against her timidity and conventionality.

Allenthorne's daughter Grace, and Pedro and Pedro's Visayan wife Anita. Just what Grace told her mother, which led that worthy person to become responsible for the young officer's recovery, no one ever knew except the two women themselves, but in addition to being a motherly-hearted woman, Mrs.

Anita and Rosa are both ill in bed, you know, and Maria has gone away for a week. The Senora said if the Father came to-night I must help mother, and must wait on table. It cannot be done. I was just going to iron it now, and I found it so It was in the artichoke-patch, and Capitan, the beast, had been tossing it among the sharp pricks of the old last year's seeds."

"It seemed to me when I was following Anita that we climbed upward; we were always running upward through the passages. We must be near the surface of the Moon; is that true?" Haldgren nodded slowly. "I think so yes! In the great room out there are windows of quartz high in the ceiling. You could not see them from where you were, but they are there.

Windows crashed as forms hurtled against them; screams sounded. Hurriedly, as the crowd massed thicker, Fairchild raised the small form of Anita in his arms and carried her to a chair, far at one side. "It's all right now," he said, calming her. "Everything 's over look, they 're helping the fiddler to his feet. Maybe he 's not badly hurt. Everything 's all right " And then he straightened.

Colonel Fortescue called for a book on the subject, which was in Anita's room. Anita herself brought it, and hovered for a moment behind her father's chair; the subject of the Philippines had a magic power to hold her. Not even the book gave the desired information and Anita leaned over and whispered into her father's ear: "Daddy, I can tell you about it."

"I understand perfectly. Thank you. Good-by." The receiver at the other end of the line clicked abruptly, and the detective sprang to his feet. A quarter of an hour later Blaine presented himself at the Anita Lawton Club, where a trim maid ushered him into a tiny office.

When the glass door opened and Colonel and Mrs. Fortescue entered the little glass room, both Anita and Broussard started violently a sign of captive love. Mrs. Fortescue was gracious, merely because she could not help it, and the Colonel treated Broussard with the elaborate courtesy which a Colonel shows to a subaltern and which makes the subaltern look and feel the size of the head of a pin.