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But a cup of tea in the afternoon was necessary to her well-being, and her animation. She became rather drowsy and absent by four o'clock. Bruce again suggested their landing and leaving the Belle of the River, as they had not thought of bringing a tea-basket. After tea, which was a great success, they became very cheery and jolly. They went for a walk and then back to their boat.

Those of the ejected incumbents who remained alive entered again into their parsonages, and occupied their pulpits as of old; the surviving bishops returned to their sees; and the whole existing statute law regarding the Church revived from its suspended animation.

But she was standing beside a small marble statue in the farthest drawing-room, and her lips had on them a slight sense of chill as though they had just been laid to something cold. She pulled off the handkerchief from her eyes. Above her was Langham's face, a marvellous glow and animation in every line of it. 'Have I done it? she asked in a tremulous whisper.

This he said with more than ordinary animation; and then he shook his head. "There is a leaven," he said "there is a leaven even in your smuggest and most inconsiderable tradesman." She answered, with a wistful smile: "I, too, regret my poet. And just now you are more like him " "Faith, but he was really a poet or, at least, at times ?"

"I owe you a debt of gratitude which is ill repaid in the base coin of bringing trouble to this house." "Not at all not at all!" she protested with animation. "No one is likely to molest this house. It is the dwelling of M. Ferou." "Of the Sixteen?" "Of the Sixteen," she nodded, her shrewd face agleam with mischief. "In truth, if my son were within, you were little likely to find harbourage here.

Then as he replaced it together with his own on the table Eben Tollman turned, and noted, with satisfaction, the emptiness of the miniature goblets. The light of animation had died slowly from the dark eyes of the woman, until to the watching husband they seemed inky pools of languor. The leaping flames held her attention and her lips were parted in an inscrutable half-smile.

Animation, as always happens in such cases, began at the precise point at which it had been suspended, and his first movement was to continue his examination of the mouthpiece in his hand. Then he looked up suddenly, and seeing me standing over him, gave a little shake, half turning his shoulders forward and back, and speaking once more in his natural voice, said "I must have been asleep!

They were divinely recompensed when they saw the cold sweats disappear, the moaning lips become stilled, the deathlike faces recover animation. It was assuredly the love which they brought to this humble, suffering humanity that produced the alleviation. "To die is nothing; that is in the natural order of things," Pascal would often say. "But why suffer? It is cruel and unnecessary!"

The fact that it readily took vulgar forms only witnessed to its strong popular appeal. Mixed in with the noisiness and humbug of the movement there appeared a real regard for social efficiency, a real spirit of animation and enterprise.

Deer give beautiful animation to the forests, harmonizing finely in their color and movements with the gray and brown shafts of the trees and the swaying of the branches as they stand in groups at rest, or move gracefully and noiselessly over the mossy ground about the edges of beaver meadows and flowery glades, daintily culling the leaves and tips of the mints and aromatic bushes on which they feed.