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Once I looked into her eyes and read in them that she understood. We dashed through a little village and paid no heed to the angry shouts and menacing gestures of a man who wore a huge star on his chest. Oak Cliff was only ten miles away. Could we make it?

It did not occur to him to remember his own evil conduct! With a roar of rage worthy of a buffalo bull he rushed towards him. The red man stood firm. What the result would have been if they had met no one can tell, for at that moment an Indian boy ran forward and planted himself right in front of the angry man. "Father!" Mr Ravenshaw dropped his cudgel and his jaw, and stood aghast!

She was miserable as she finished it, but she knew that there was nothing else to do. And he would know it too. A day later a long letter came from Paul. It was very characteristic. It began by saying that of course Maggie must return at once. Throughout, the voice was that of a grieved and angry elder talking to a wicked and disobedient child.

The angry feelings which in some degree exist between the citizens of the free and slaveholding States, on account of slavery, are, in many cases, properly chargeable to those who defend and support slavery.

At the beginning Louis had, in Auvergne and in Berry, some successes, which decided a few of the rebels, the most insignificant, to accept truces and enter upon parleys; but the great princes, the Dukes of Burgundy, Brittany, and Berry, waxed more and more angry. The aged Duke of Burgundy, Philip the Good himself, sobered and wearied as he was, threw himself passionately into the struggle.

'But he was angry with you about Mr Crumb. When a young woman becomes engaged to a young man, she ought not to go back from her word. No doubt Mrs Hurtle, when preaching this doctrine, thought that the same law might be laid down with propriety for the conduct of young men. 'Of course you have brought trouble on yourself. I am sorry you don't like the place. I'm afraid you must go to it now.

It's in the poor-house ye will be if she lasts much longer. What the " He had taken the package from the trembling child's hand the precious doll and unrolled the shawl. A moment he stood staring in dumb amazement at its contents. Then he caught it up and flung it with an angry oath upon the floor, where it was shivered against the coal-box.

Some of them are just as true as they can be, although they seem like making fun, especially the one about the angry man being always in the wrong. I am inclined to side with the angry man. I know I am generally right when I am angry." Mr. Hemphill had not read these little essays, nor had he admitted that he had never read anything else by Mr.

I begged of him not to be angry; but he was too much irritated to listen to me and declared, ironically, that he admired the prudent doubt with which certain people approached the most simple problems, risking nothing by saying "that is so, or 'that is not so."

"Don't look angry," she whispered to Alan as they strolled out into the garden after lunch, "I must clear things up and know what we have to face. I'll be back by tea-time, and we will have it out with my uncle."