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Hope's Doubts of Anglicanism Correspondence with Mr. Gladstone Correspondence of J. R. Hope and Mr. Gladstone continued Mr. Gladstone advises Active Works of Charity Bishop Philpotts advises Mr. Hope to go into Parliament Mr. Hope and Mr. Gladstone in Society Mr. Hope on the Church Affairs of Canada Dr. Hampden, Bishop of Hereford The Troubles at Leeds Mr. Hope on the Jewish Question, &c.

My "Prophetical Office" had come to pieces; not indeed as an argument against "Roman errors," nor as against Protestantism, but as in behalf of England. I had no more a distinctive plea for Anglicanism, unless I would be a Monophysite.

It is now, therefore, as easy as it can be expected ever to be to follow the career of this extraordinary man, with all its cold and hot fits, its rage of lyrical amativeness, its Roman passion, and the high and clouded austerity of its final Anglicanism.

Even in that of Rome there is a growth of "Modernism," as it is called by the Pope, who, having lost his mediaeval preservatives of unity, strives to quell Modernism by denunciation. Anglicanism resorts to a grand pageant of uniformity, beneath which, however, lurk Anglo-Catholicism, Evangelicism, and Liberalism, by no means uniform in faith.

It was not in Rome only, or in England only; it was everywhere. What had been peculiar to Anglicanism among all its rivals, was that it had emphatically and without reserve confessed it.

Just how Lutheranism, Calvinism, and Anglicanism differed from each other may be gathered from a short summary. The Calvinists taught justification by election that God determines, or predestines, who is to be saved and who is to be lost. The Lutherans were inclined to reject such doctrine, and to assure salvation to the mere believer.

About the middle of June I began to study and master the history of the Monophysites. I was absorbed in the doctrinal question. This was from about June 13th to August 30th. It was during this course of reading that for the first time a doubt came upon me of the tenableness of Anglicanism.

Reservation had been permitted for years in the Hoddon Grey chapel, and the fact had interwoven itself with the deepest life of the household, eclipsing and dulling the other religious practices of Anglicanism, just as the strong plant in a hedgerow drives out or sterilizes the rest.

On the other hand, Keble and Pusey continued for the rest of their lives to dance in an exemplary manner upon the tight-rope of High Anglicanism; in such an exemplary manner, indeed, that the tightrope has its dancers still. MANNING was now thirty-eight, and it was clear that he was the rising man in the Church of England.

'Well, why can't you have it done up, and sit here? he said warily. Paula shook her head. 'You are not at enmity with Anglicanism, I am sure? 'I want not to be. I want to be what 'What the De Stancys were, and are, he said insidiously; and her silenced bearing told him that he had hit the nail.